My Graph is not accurately calculating daily averages
I entered all of my numbers that I had so far today went into my graph and it shows a daily average of 110 I haven't had a blood sugar reading over a 100. I went and deleted all the my readings except for my before breakfast went into my graphs again and it shows an average of 128, my before breakfast reading was 82.
Welcome to the Forum!
Where are you getting the number 128 from? It seems that it would be difficult to read the magenta graph that close.
Regards; Danny |
After I entered my daily numbers I clicked on my graph and that is where it is showing. graph 1.JPG
graph 2.JPG |
It appears that you are getting this information from the website. How does that compare to your daily average from the magenta line on the app graph?
Regards; Danny |
I only have access to a PC so I am unable to use the app
OIC, Take a look at the Hour by Hour graph, that should help you with your today average. If your were looking at the Last 7 Days graph, those averages are for the "Last 7 Days"
Regards; Danny |