How do I print out a useful report for a health professional?
I can't seem to find a way that prints out a really readable table. The graphs are okay, and I see how to print them out in pdf, but nothing comparable for the underlying table of data. The excel generated by export leaves out important data.
Didn't see anything helpful on that thread.
Doctor's Report:
If you need a Doctor's Report, you can go to the website under My Diabetes; My Logs; View Logs and choose: [All Today Last 7 Days Last 30 Days Last 90 Days] for the time frame and [A1c Glucose Medicine Food Activity Pressure Weight] for the information that you want to show, on screen as, "ON" and print this information, via the website, -or- "Export Filtered Logs" to a CSV file. The file you can then print or manipulate the data in excel or word. I generally create a "Doctor's Report" using this information and screen shots of the graphs.
Regards; Danny |