need some help
Hi Ladies,
I am having a symptom that I don't know what to make of. Sorry to be graphic, I first get an upset rolling stomach, some sweating, raising blood sugar levels and then after some regular BM I have diarrhea, lots of diarrhea, my blood sugar raises to over 250 and after the diarrhea it came back down to 165. Then my stomach is fine. I never get nauseated and after the diarrhea I am totally fine! Anyone have any advice besides going to the doctor, which I am doing later this month. Thank in advance |
Should mention I am a 52 year old woman who's A1C was 10.8 on July 19th but since July 23rd have an average sugar reading of 138 and have type 2 diabetes and am insulin dependent
I have been having this symptom for many years and have not talked to a doctor about it yet
Might be celiac disease I just got diagnosed w it 2 months ago...google it lol
I was wondering if you had this resolved. I have similar issues.
one of the side effects from that medicine is loose stools you should let your dr know,that was one of the first things mine asked me about when I went back for a check up