Simply put: I'm fried. Normally I'd leave my post with that, a YouTube video and a smiley face and be on my way. Seriously, you do not know how close you were to getting another series of haikus. Let me tell you, I was really, really, really close to giving up this week. Somehow I found the strength to carry on. I think it's the brief intermission to the opening salvo that was the first three months of the year that has finally caught up with me. With week after week of high-quality, block-busting games available to us, it was exhausting trying to keep up with everything. And the worst part is I could barely play any of them. I can only imagine how you, a truly enthusiastic gamer must feel right now. Enjoy your respite, it wont be long until Madden 2011 is upon us and we get to do the same song and dance all over again. To celebrate this moment of relaxation, I'm not going to talk about video games.