New to forum
Hello all, I just found Glucose Buddy a few days ago and am getting the hang of logging and syncing. I've been diagnosed for over two years now and am managing with 500 mg Metformin, diet and exercise. Or so I'd like to think. When I do really well for a while, I quit testing and before you know it, I'm back out of control.
I'd like to know, well, lots of things, but I'll start with this...what's the link between swelling of feet and high glucose? Is it the beginning of neuropathy? I have numb places on my feet, but I'm a woman and have abused my poor feet for years. New shoes (fashionable) always gave me numb spots after a day or so. I gave that up years ago, but still have some numbness. Anyone have hints? Thanks, |
Welcome to the Forum!
Read the first three threads in the Type 2 Section, when you get a chance. Good luck with your control and management. Sorry, I can't help with the neuropathy question, but you can do a google search or try this link.
Regards; Danny |