Hi from Mar2a
I'm new to this forum, but you might recognize my name from the Diabetes Daily forum. I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic in 2007. I'm using diet and exercise, no meds. Testing is important to find out which foods cause blood sugar spikes. I've had Glucose Buddy for a long time, but never got around to the forum because I have an iPod Touch and I'm not always on WiFi. The thing I love about GB is that I don't have to be connected to use it. For an iPod Touch user, that's a great benefit. Keep GB going! It's a great little app. Last edited by mar2a; 06-03-2012 at 04:03 PM. Reason: Added diabetes type, status. |
Welcome to the Forum!
Read the first three thread in the Type 2 Section, when you get a chance.
Regards; Danny |