new to GB
Hey I'm 22 and in college. I've been a type 1 diabetic for 18 years. I've been on a pump for the past 2 1/2 years and another 6 years split between 2 other pumps. I was never told as a child to record my readings and thus have never done so but recently I have been losing control of my readings once again. I hit diabetes burnout and never really came out of it. However I want to get better control before I get any serious complications. My control has never been very good- my BGs have always been high (as a child my A1c's were between 10-14) my lowest has been 9 I now wNt to try and get it normal to at least a 7. I believe this app will help me- it's the only support I have and the alarms really help. Hopefully my next dr. Appt will be the last I have to dread going to.
Welcome to the Forum!
Control is the first step and GB will help you get organized. Good luck with your control and management.
Regards; Danny |
Hey! I am also 22 and in college with type 1 diabetes, I have also fallen off the wagon with checking my blood sugar, and often have highs. I am trying to control it better so there are no serious complications or problems. Hope this works for me & you!
Thanks I'm glad I'm not the only one that that has gotten off the bandwagon. I am very hopeful that with the help of you and others on glucose buddy I (and you) will get back on the bandwagon.