I had originally been prescribed metformin when I first learned I was diabetic. I had massive diarrhea every day and you never knew when it would kick in. That makes for difficultly leaving the house!!! After talking to some other metformin users, I was told that I should get my dr to make glucophage necessary. It's more expensive but it did the trick. I stopped having diarrhea and felt much better. Just my own personal experience.
Everyone reacts differently to different meds. I was on Metformin for 8 months and had horrible side effects. My dad and brother are on Metformin and have NO side effects. Everyone is different. You have to tweak your meds to work for you. Talk to your doctor.
Have any of you being type 1 tried taking Metaphormin? Do you notice a change? Did you loose weight?
Jamie, there is no reason for someone with type 1 diabetes to be on metformin. People with type 1 don't make enough insulin, thus their primary med is insulin.
This is my 2nd day on Metformin. The last time I felt this sick was back in my major hangover days. I was instructed to take this with dinner, so that's what I did, and it made me very nauseas and gave me pain in my stomach. I just figure I'll ride it out. My Dr. told me this could happen and that it would pass. I hope I can turn around my "pre diabetes" and get off the Metformin. I need to lose 100 lbs. but it's not easy because I have bad back problems and can't walk for more than a few minutes. Joined a gym with a pool and plan to swim every morning before work, hoping that helps with weight loss. I was so good today with what I ate and then I went nuts tonight, I was craving something yummy so badly so I had some nachos. Tomorrow's another day.
Thanks everyone for contributing. I use Metformin and am not really sure if what I have are side effects. I pass so much gus its embarrasssing. Its like my tummy is always upset. Could this be from metformin ?
I have had no issues yet with it, its been a month since I was diagnosed. It helped get my Bs under control. yeah I get nauseous sometimes but usually when im stupid and don't eat enough before after a month I should know better. My stupid fault. I had yogurt for breakfast took it and almost puked it up, I know I need more than that. I ate an apple and I was fine. If I have a reaction I look at what I am doing first. Then ill call my doc. Eating healthy and exersize and LOTS of water helps. Id increase exersize, grab an apple or some fruit )not grapes they have LOTS of sugar I have learned). Call your doctor too. Ill still get shaky but I went from 567 to 121 in 3 weeks. My body is adjusting. That's what I take it as too. I talked to my doc though. If you are concerned talk to your doc. Oh did I mention talk to your doc. Mine is the best doc ever. I got blessed with the best in the world. Make sure you eat enough, if I eat too much same thing
I take it too. I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago. I do get nauseous sometimes, but it is my stupid fault. I don't always eat enough before taking it. This morning I stupidly only ate yogurt, I almost puked. I ate an apple and was fine. I really should know better after a month. Ill get shaky some times, usually I didn't eat enough. I went from 567 to 121 though in 3 weeks! It is working well for me, except when I do something stupid. My doc said part of the emotions, headaches, nausea is doe to BS coming down. I watch what I eat and eat heal;thy. No crap! I walk or work out a few times a week. The only issues I have had are my stupid fault. If you are having issues with your stomach eat an apple that helps get more good food in you. Lo fat yogurt. Call your doc too. Don't worry about whining or what ever I assume we are all in this together and are hear to help each other. If someone is jerky just ignore it. I tell my teens ppl will offend you just because, it is YOUR choice to stay offended and whine and cry about it or put on your big girl undies and brush it off and pray for them. I guess being the dork and being the dumb kid and being teased for most of my life I grew out of letting what others say bother me. I stopped that when I was a teen and realized ppl will say stuff it does not change my issues or my worth. It does not change your issues of your worth. Brush it off its not worth the stress and junk it causes. Talk to your doc, eat healthy work out stay positive pray and stay in God's word. We are in this together for support. Im sure at some point we will all crack a little some, you just can't stay that way, pick your self up girl and work hard. Talk to your doc if you are concerned. This med had brought my BS down with work. My step dad has been on it for 15 years with no real side affects. No me saying I was stupid about my eating does NOT mean you are! Im just super hard on my self. If I take a test and I get a 898 or a 99 Im mad I should have done better and I could have. So ok is not good enough for me. Just talk to your doc if you are concerned. Brush off crap people say, unless it is positive
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Jamie, I have type 2, before we found out I was loosing a ton of weight! I was FAT I was a size 12 and they were tight. In 3 months I went to a 10 now they are too big. I don't mind that. What drove me to the doc was yeast infections for over 7 months! After 5 months of itching and not being able to handle or fix it on my own I went in. I took meds and it cam back she did another prescription and said if I had another issue I had to come in. I ws good for a week I had to go in. She did a blood test and well surprise Im diabetic. Nothing wrong with my parts. I lost over 10 pounds in a bout 3 months. Headaches, all kinds of issues. Drank water I could not get enough nothing took care of the thrust. That was for a bout a year. I should have gone in long ago. I do hope the weight loss continues! Just not to where Im unhealthy. Embrace the thinness
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The most common side effects are nausea and diarrhea. The most serious, but very rare, complication is lactic acidosis. So if you start to feel unexplained muscle pain, or become very lethargic contact your doctor right away. As for the making you feel crappy, try to stick with it, that shoudl get better
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