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Old 09-16-2011, 02:28 PM
Shappy Shappy is offline
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What you are experiencing is not unusual. It happened to me also. It is often refered to as the "Honeymoon" period. When you first get T1 diabetes there may be a small percentage of your pancreas cells that are still producing some insulin. Eventually these cells die off. When they do the amount of insulin that kept you under control in the past will not be sufficient. You no doubt need to increase your insulin dosage ti an amount that keeps you under control. No amount if dieting or exercise will help if you are not taking enough insulin. Talk ti your doctor about this "Honeymoon" phenominon and get your insulin doseges adjusted accordingly.
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Old 11-17-2011, 07:28 AM
natalielundqvist natalielundqvist is offline
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Hey! I didn't understand everything they wrote either, and i got My diabetes 1998 But I'm from Sweden. Anyway, you Will have periods with high bs and periods with exellent bs, they wont have you in the hospital for that it's a tricky disease, and you wont allways know why youtube bs is high or low, But it gets vetter with time
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Old 04-08-2012, 04:50 AM
tripp455 tripp455 is offline
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I just found out I was type one and am 19. I understand crazy obsessive parents and am still in that stage where the advice is not seeming like advice it's more like badgering about my lifestyle and it does hurt to see how my condition seems to be affecting my family as well as my general life...
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Old 08-20-2012, 10:05 PM
hersal hersal is offline
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I have lived with diabetes 1 for 36 years. The secret has been keeping the diabetes under control. Do not worrie. You have the keys.
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Old 12-13-2012, 09:47 PM
type1rachelle type1rachelle is offline
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just did a quick read through but didn't see anyone mention depression or diabetes burnout.

these are very real things and I experienced both of them when I was diagnosed at 17 as well. I was great for the first few months, and then I went to college and spun wildly out of control and fell into a denial stage for many months following, landing me in the hospital again.

I did this many times for 3+ years before I was finally able to realize what I was doing to my body and my health.

bottom line, people can talk to you until they're blue in the face, but YOU have to be ready to take care of yourself. it's okay to have some days where you just don't want to deal with it - we all have those. but you have to just acknowledge it and move on. there's no such thing as a "bad" or "good" diabetic - they're just numbers on a meter. especially with T1s - we have the ability to have our blood sugars go from 30 to 300 within an hour! this stuff is hard! take a deep breath and realize that this is a lifelong thing - you don't have to learn everything overnight, take your time with it and take care of yourself when you're ready - nobody can do this but you.
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Old 01-09-2013, 05:44 PM
j_philips j_philips is offline
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Smile Some Advice That I Think Might Help....A Lot

So you were diagnosed two years ago at age 17? I can definitely offer you some good advice due to the fact that I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 11, in 1970, 42 years ago.

The first thing that I will tell you is that throughout your lifetime, there will just simply be times that although it seems that you've done everything right, or as best as humanly possible, sometimes things just don't work, and you just have to ride it out. The good news is that there are so very many things available now that didn't exist when I was diagnosed that really will help you a lot. I am listing a few of them below:

The first thing that is available to you now, that was not when I was diagnosed in 1970 is the insulin pump. If you are on insulin injections, please, please, please consider going onto an insulin pump. It will make all of the difference in the world. I was on insulin injections for 29 years and could never get my A1C below 8.9. When I went onto an insulin pump, within 90 days, I had lowered my A1C from 8.9 to 5.7. This really is an absolute miracle. A couple of things to consider about a pump is that you really can eat just about anything that you want to eat whenever you want to eat it. You just have to have a basic idea of how much insulin to give yourself for what you are about to eat, but they do train you how to do that, and it really is pretty simple.

The next thing that is available now is what is called a Dexcom. The Dexcom is a continuous glucose monitoring system. It checks your bloodsugar every 5 minutes, 24 hours a day and shows you what your bloodsugar is, and what direction that it is moving all of the time. It really is a fantastic way of keeping your bloodsugar in check virtually all of the time.

The last bit of advice that I will offer you is to encourage you to check your bloodsugar at lot. I check my blood sugar 8 to 10 times a day, and it really is no big deal. It take me less than a minute, and I can be in a crowd of people and usually do it without anyone even noticing. The more you can stay on top of your bloodsugar, the better you will feel, and the better off you will be toward leading a very happy and productive life, despite having type 1 diabetes. I hope that you will find all of this information helpful. I can tell you that if you will do just the little things every day, like checking your blood sugar, and exercising a lot, and eating a healthy diet, you will be healthier than people who are not diabetic.
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Old 02-09-2013, 03:30 PM
MilkyJo MilkyJo is offline
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T1 has a honeymoon in the beginning where your insulin production picks up from injections then later dies from adding external insulin. I guess youre almost there.

Here are my tips:

1. IF intermittent fasting, used by bodybuilders, athletes and alike to burn bodyfat, build and retain muscles, stay sharp and focused and have better life quality. If you mention this to your doctor they will lock you up since youre a T1, but the fact is that it is the single most effective thing you can do to control your sugar.

Less bodyfat and more muscles means more insulin sensitivity = less insulin needed. The fasting itself will also improve sensitivity. Check out which has a lot facts and tips. Fasting means abstinence from food but you should always ingest fluids. If you eat more than a teaspoon or two with milk your body goes into the fed state and starts storing energy and shuts down the fat burning process along with hormone secretion and the release of your natural "focus enhancing" chemicals. This may sound like crock but its really the opposite. Don't listen to your doctors when they say you should 5-6 times per day. They get their "info" from the pharmaceutical- and foodcompanies which are not your friends. The want make sure you need their shit!

You can consume all your calories in one sitting, easily. The biggest benefit of this is that when you break the fast (breakfast) your insulin sensitivity is the greatest and you will need less insulin to counter the carbs. Its also easier to control your sugar and have a healthy Hba1c if you concentrate your BG checks around this fed state.

I work with moving boxes and furniture up and down the stairs all day and im faster and stronger than all my work mates even though i break the fast after i come home from work. You can do i too.

2. Find and set your basal. Levemir has the most even curve of all basal insulin and i suggest you take it twice per day to overlap the imperfect effect curve. When you can hoover at 4-5 for 8hrs without adding bolus or carbs then youre pretty much there. Carbs store in muscles and the liver and the liver releases a slow steady stream of sugar to the brain and organs during the day and the basal is there to counter this. Think of your basal as a scale, on one side you have the sugar from the liver and on the other you have the basal. Its much better to be too low on BG cause if youre at 2,5-3 you can eat a minimal amount of sugar to bring you up to 4 again without breaking the fast whereas if youre to high and jab a splash of bolus you do break it.

3. Drink lots and lots of water. During the fast this is your only intake unless youre crashing. It will clean all the crap out of your system. I drink lots of tea as well, without milk and sugar of course. And stay the f*** away from artificial sweeteners. The are nasty and actually decreases your insulin sensitivity.

4. Lift weights. Free weights. And heavy. Women who train like men look like godesses.

5. No processed anything. Carbs, meat, veg, oil and such. Actually, if you CAN handle it, go vegan. The human body is tuned over millions of years to a raw vegan diet. Unless you think god made us a while back and made us for eating ben and jerrys, charred meat, coca cola and other equally tasty but nasty stuff!

6. Set alarms. 2x for basal (levemir) and 8 for checking BG. Check BG when you wake up, then have 3-4hr intervals during the fast. Then every 1,5-2hrs inthe fed state. stabilize your BG well before bedtime (no eating 2-3hrs prior shuteye) and be at 4-5. You have the same BG when you wake up when everything is tuned. This could take months depending on your dedication. You will fail, but f*** that, get up again. Do it again. Einstein said that and expert is considered someone who has made every mistake possible within a limited domain. That could be you.

7. Don't be scared of crashing. I have been under 2 a few times just to get used to the feeling. You never know when you might have stay positive and find sugar because youre dying. You could be on your own. Toughen up.

8. Set targets. Easy ones. Achieve them. Set new ones. Progress.

9. Reward/ disgust yourself. When youve hit a target, fast all day and buy exactly what youve been missing out on. Pig out. Leave nothing uneaten. Go to bed and feel that poison enter your system while you wish you hadnt just done that. Rethink. Set new goals. Tomorrow is a new day.

10. Stay positive. Lots of people are beating their T1 every day. You can too. Put up a note on your house that says "f*** you sugar!" That will motivate you.
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Old 02-20-2013, 10:23 PM
Tosk18 Tosk18 is offline
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Look up Dr. Richard Bernstein and the ketogenic diet. It has totally turned around my blood sugar. He has vids on YouTube and a couple books and info to read on several websites.
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Old 03-22-2013, 07:40 PM
cdurty22 cdurty22 is offline
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Wow girl I'm 18 and just got diagnosed this week! I understand that though bc I'm adjusting now and trying to be tough but I can imagine I'm gonna lose control soon. We just have to stay strong and look for the support from people who aren't gonna baby us and keep on going. We got this!
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Old 04-07-2013, 05:22 AM
paige95 paige95 is offline
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Hi Ophelia! I am also 17 and was just diagnosed last Monday! I know exactly what you're going threw. Some days are better than others but on certain days, I just want to crawl up in a ball and cry. I have been staying strong in front of my friends and family but deep down I'm hurting. Everybody tells me that it does get easier though
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