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Old 02-25-2010, 11:12 AM
kitlacey kitlacey is offline
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I diagnosed myself. I had all the symptoms except the weight loss so went into the doctors saying "I think I've got diabetes" and the tests proved it. This was 11:30 yesterday morning. More tests today to get more gadgets.

I am 21 from the UK and have type 1 atm.
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Old 02-26-2010, 10:48 PM
evan.henris evan.henris is offline
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i have had it for 14 years and when i was diognosed i was 700+ and was about to go into a coma
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Old 03-01-2010, 01:44 AM
mtendler mtendler is offline
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that's amazing. I remember the day after my diagnosis. So much to take on, just try to keep it together. By the way, you're going to start feeling MUCH better in a few days, so that's definitely something to look forward to!
"I don't care what anybody says about burning myself out because I just feel like I have to do all this stuff; it's too important." - Thom Yorke
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Old 03-01-2010, 03:04 PM
dinglee dinglee is offline
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I was diagnosed a little over a month ago. My BS was 600. I didn't have insurance, so the clinic I went to sent me home with instructions to "lower blood sugar to 150" hmph. The also told me "of course you're a type 2, you're an adult (i am 31)" A week later (and after trying type 2 meds with no response) a blood test confirmed I am Type 1. Crazy crazy stuff...
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Old 03-02-2010, 11:58 PM
tingirl tingirl is offline
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Default Diagnosed one month ago

Hi Everyone,

I was diagnosed last month. I had been experiencing blurry vision and I went to the eye doctor. He told me that I have cataracts and need surgery. I had to go for a pre-op physical including blood test. That is when they found my bg over 300. Since then I have been on insulin and Metformin and I am supposed to "watch my carb intake".

I am so happy to find Glucose Buddy, both the app and the web site. And now, I am doubly happy to find this forum. Just reading all the messages has helped me to learn some things. I was not told whether 300 is close to death high or just a little high. Now I know that several of you started with levels much higher.
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Old 03-14-2010, 01:32 AM
socklesshermit socklesshermit is offline
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Originally Posted by wtfrazier View Post
I will keep this short - I was diagnosed as a Type 1 on December 19, 2009. I admitted myself into hospital extremely sick on that day. Blood sugar when I went in was at 1166 (determined only thru lab analysis). I was in full tachycardia with 180 bpm and a blood pressure of 170/110.

After nearly 24 hours of insulin pump and fluids, I got down to where their BG machines could read my blood sugar levels. Took almost 2 days to stablize my blood sugar and rehydrate me.

After recovering, my doctors had told me that I probably had 4 hours to go when I came in on that Saturday morning and it would have been at best a coma for me. And to think I was going to push myself and go in on the following day, Sunday. The doctors said had I laid down on that Saturday, I probably wouldnt have woken up. Anyway, I finally got to leave the hospital after 4 days.

I have been doing good since. Actaully feel the best I have in a long time.
Déjà vu. I can't believe how similar this sounds to my situation. My pre-diabetes stressor, as another poster put it was, believe it or not, a sun burn I got on my first day at a new job. I was having frequent urination, extreme thirst, ravenous hunger, and massive weight loss for two weeks after that. My son was born March 31, 2007, my wife and he came out of the hospital on April 1, and my wife took me back in on April 2nd with my blood sugar at 1192. I was slipping in and out of consciousness, and don't remember much about the first two days except some family visits and the diabetic educator, who explained things rather too slow for my liking.

I was 18 at the time, and the 3 year anniversary of that visit is creeping up. Fortunately I've got my son's birthday right before it, and that has distracted me both of the last 2 years.
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Old 03-17-2010, 06:56 PM
ppgni ppgni is offline
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Hi, I was diagnosed on the 13th May 1976, six days after my first birthday. I have been an insulin dependent diabetic for 33 years in May. I believe I was the youngest diagnosed that that time in the UK, not sure if that is still the case LOL.
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Old 03-24-2010, 04:40 AM
bliz bliz is offline
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I was diagnosed in 1988 when I was three years old. My blood sugar was in the high 200s, I think, so definitely not bad, all things considered. I went on the pump 10 years ago, and just last week recorded my lowest A1c since diagnosis at 6.7. I'm hoping this tool will help me get it below 6.0.
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Old 03-24-2010, 01:54 PM
darkvamp darkvamp is offline
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Hello ;-)

I was diagnosed June 1984 when I was 8 years old. Had it for about 4 months that time.

My mother thought it was a little curious that I drink that much ;-)

After 6 weeks in the hospital I went home and did my 8. birthday party without cakes and cookies :-(
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Old 04-03-2010, 05:48 AM
ubachay ubachay is offline
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Hello everyone! I was diagnosed at the age of 3 in 1988. My Dad recognized the symptoms because he is also a type 1 diabetic. 4 out of 5 of our family members are type 1, One parent, 3 kids. I am now 24, and healthy as a horse. I have been on an insulin pump for about 7 years now, and I absolutely love it! There is hope out there
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type 1 diagnosis

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