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Old 09-17-2011, 03:19 AM
Shappy Shappy is offline
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I have used both. I prefer the pump because it gives me the flexibility to eat at different times and excercise when I want. Once the slow acting insulin is in you you have to eat if you are going to do physical activity. With the pump you just suspend since it only uses fast acting insulin. I find, for me I am able to control better with an insulin pump. I will say however, that there is a learning curve to the pump. Until you get familiar with all the features it can be difficult, but, in the long run I like it better.
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Old 10-12-2011, 06:04 AM
shazzieb shazzieb is offline
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Hey! Iv had diabetes for a fair while but when i strted i was having two injections a day( am&pm- protophane and actrapid) then moved to glargine and novorapid 2&4 times a day respectivly and now on the pump.
I think its important to be on injections and count ur carbs manualy to adjust ur dosage to get experience and good management. If you can manage your diabetes well on injections and manual carb counting thats great practice cause once you go on the pump its mostly done for you and u can slip through the gaps quite easily.
Im currntly studying nursing and diabetes and from a professional and personal point of view id suggest staying on injections for a while is better than jumping to the pump straight away.
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Old 12-01-2011, 03:47 PM
cooperemartinez cooperemartinez is offline
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I pump, and it's my preference oner shoots.
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Old 12-20-2011, 09:32 PM
jniebanck jniebanck is offline
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Default Love my pump

Hi Sarah - The pump is great. I, too, didn't want to use one but I was having bad reactions to the slow-acting insulin and finally got scared enough to listen to my doctor. Within days I was wondering why I'd waited. I've been using it for almost 10 years and can't imagine going back to injections.
The worst part of starting on the pump was that I spent a few days using saline in the pump and doing my regular injections. Having to think about both and use both was bothersome, but I was able to get all my questions/concerns answered while I was still doing injections, and was feeling quite confident and comfortable by the time I switched to the pump.
Yes, putting a new set in does hurt a bit occasionally, but so does using a needle and, since you're only inserting it once every few days, there are a lot less opportunities for it to hurt. I can go weeks without it stinging.
The difference the pump makes in your life is amazing. It's hard for me to stick to a routine. My meal schedule and activity level change day to day. With the pump I can make adjustments quickly and easily. I love it.
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Old 12-24-2011, 11:25 PM
mvaldez0614 mvaldez0614 is offline
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I've been on my pump for about 3 months now after 3 years of flex pen and I have to say I am super satisfied with the pump it's the best thing you can change to. The animas ping is the best as it is waterproof and it has a remote for better access. I always found it hard to be injecting myself while at school and always being in a hurry. With a pump you never have to worry about missing a shot
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Old 02-01-2012, 08:43 AM
dhoomdon dhoomdon is offline
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I hardly ever have surprising highs or lows and it is effortless to treat highs when I don't have to grasp and fit a needle. I resisted getting a pump for quite working hours, didn't want something "affixed" to me all of enough time.
plastic toy soldiers
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Old 02-01-2012, 06:22 PM
louanne louanne is offline
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I like using the pump it's very convenient especially in a public setting due to all you have to do is push some buttons and you can eat... I got on the pump a year before planning to get pregnant and got my a1c down to 4.5 during both my pregnancies I suggest getting it ahead of time and getting used to it also your body will be better prepared for the baby ....the diet is murder be prepared its all worth it tho I have two boys three and five and they are healthy and happy what a blessing the pump was for me as I know diabetics who have not been able to conceive due to their bs...I have also gotten off the pump for awhile and I missed it so now I've been on the pump since 2004
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Old 03-23-2012, 11:19 AM
jerryong89 jerryong89 is offline
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I've been on the pump for 5 years and I have to say its just preference. I love the flexibility but I have to say I miss being more care free. I miss just being rowdy and laying the grass or something and scared of damaging the thing. I returned my first pump because it cracked not because bumped it a lot but because after a while the battery compartment just brittles out or something. I'm actually going back to shots just for that reason but also I'm unable to afford insurance and I'm using up all my left over supplies before switching back to shots. Good sugars are attainable with both methods you it just requires discipline and test like 5-6 times a day more the better
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Old 10-09-2012, 07:00 AM
shaunlee shaunlee is offline
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I am suffering from diabetes last 5 years and continously using a insulin provide sufficient amount of insulin in a lungs.
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Old 10-20-2012, 10:57 AM
mstratis mstratis is offline
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I've been on pump for 16 yrs im a young 47 yr oldale and for the past 2 yrs I've had alot of issues w high sugars due to all the scar tissue damage from my sites. I have very little fat and can't place my silhouettes in a comfortable area anymore. I just stated taking shots again (Lantus & Apidra) ,this weekend :-( Wish there was another alternative ! I'm having to take a total of 9 shots a day, so far. This is gonna suck !
Looking for options !!!
Thank you
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