Logbook Format
I started using Glucose Buddy App four months ago, anticipating an appointment I had today with a new doctor. I needed a better solution to keep me motivated with keeping up-to-date with a logbook. I find Glucose Buddy really great since I always carry my iPhone with me, but keep multiple blood meters on the go (one at home and one at work). The blood meter apps have never been useful because of this reason.
Prior to my doctors appointment, I was cleaning up the CSV file and formatting the different type of log entries with different background colours, so it's easier to distinguish BG, M, F, A, etc. Anyways, I was beginning to realize that it's practically impossible for a doctor to see patterns very easily looking at the printouts. Over the years, I've found that you never know with Diabetic doctors whether or not they're going to study your logbook or simply look at your A1C. It's somewhat discouraging when you put effort into a logbook and they hardly glance over it. The new doctor spent like 20 minutes re-writing the last week of BG log entries in the typical format of a logbook, so that she could see patterns. I felt pretty horrible about it and have always felt that this was a huge flaw to a rather great App/website. Is there any chance that this feature will be added in the near future? Are the developers taking this into consideration? There seems to be countless threads on this issue: - http://www.glucosebuddy.com/forum/sh...highlight=Logs - http://www.glucosebuddy.com/forum/sh...highlight=Logs - http://www.glucosebuddy.com/forum/sh...highlight=Logs - http://www.glucosebuddy.com/forum/sh...highlight=Logs - http://www.glucosebuddy.com/forum/sh...highlight=Logs - http://www.glucosebuddy.com/forum/sh...highlight=Logs - http://www.glucosebuddy.com/forum/sh...highlight=Logs - http://www.glucosebuddy.com/forum/sh...highlight=Logs - http://www.glucosebuddy.com/forum/sh...highlight=Logs - http://www.glucosebuddy.com/forum/sh...highlight=Logs I have yet to find a way to group Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Bedtime (for example) in Excel using a Formula by Date Range. It might be impossible since the Day and Time are group together. I realize that the developers would open up a can-of-worms with requests of "adding new categories" or changing the "time-range" of categories if they offered formatting the logs this way. I might try to tackle a solution for this by parsing the CSV with PHP code. It just seems like the developers could give a web-version of this logbook-style fairly easily since they can tie into the database. Does anyone else agree that this is a huge drawback to Glucose Buddy? How is everyone seeing patterns easily, strictly by graphs? If anyone has a solution to style the log entries more like a logbook, please post. Thanks |
The above post is very well written and I am surprised that it has not been replied to. I am having the same issue with my doctor and do believe this is a big flaw in GB.
Does anyone know of another app that will create a log book? If so, please recommend! GB, why haven't you responded to this??? |
Because they have not had a technical support person, in place, for over a year. I assure you that they are aware of this problem, as I have mentioned it to them on several occasions.
Regards; Danny |
It would be nice if we could have the date in the CSV file as dd-mmm-yyyy or even mmm-dd-yyyy because MS Access doesn't pick up dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy as a valid date. (Exported file, then imported into MS Access - had to treat the date as text, but then it seemed all wrong as it was in US format, which I don't mind, but I think the month could be written as a 'standard' month, or even in the format yyyymmdd hh:nn:ss)
Thanks for listening. |