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Old 04-23-2011, 05:06 PM
biancabeezy biancabeezy is offline
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Default Dealing with judgement.

I'm 15 years old and have type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, diabetes runs in both sides of my family. My mom, dad, grandpas, aunts and uncles have diabetes. When I was diagnosed, I struggled for months with depression and occasionally have my days where I slip back into it. I've been going to new doctors, recently. I have to tell them I'm diabetic. Every one of them gave me a scolding look as if I did this to myself and it really pisses me off because even before I was diagnosed I took care of my health knowing I could become diabetic. I worked really hard for nothing. And I hate how they think they can just show up and pass judgements without even knowing my story. It's not my fault the rest of the world are raising obese kids that get diabetes for not knowing how to be healthy. I wanted to be in the air force. I know my life is not ideal, you don't have to shove it back in my face. Another thing that makes me mad is that the first thing you learn when studying medicine is not to judge the patient or their history. There's a reason for that rule, so why don't they follow it ?
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Old 04-27-2011, 04:40 PM
yanagi yanagi is offline
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Wow. Your doctors sound horrible. I was lucky when I was your age, I had a doctor that I liked (he was the one that diagnosed me). He never judged me for it, he just did his job and tried to get me started on therapies that would work for me.

I knew at some point in my life I'd develop diabetes just because I was obese, and trust me, my mother did everthing she could to get me to lose weight or figure out why I was overweight at such a young age (unfortunately, that also meant being in weight watchers when I was seven >.> )

My advice is to hopefully find a doctor that doesn't judge and will help you along with controlling it. I recently had to change doctors because my previous one didn't seem too interested in trying to help me get my diabetes back under control.

Also, if you're down and bummed about it, perhaps you might want to talk to your parents or a counselor if you can about this problem. If you feel you can't talk to them, feel free to contact me somehow, I've been in your position before.

Having a good doctor that knows you and your condition and knows how to do their job is a very key point in keeping healthy. I hope you can find a good doctor soon.
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Old 06-17-2011, 12:11 PM
ms_kassinova ms_kassinova is offline
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I have had a rough go with judgements. I went undiagnosed with type 1 for many years and became gravely ill. Well, suffering the symptoms, I was fired from a job. Over the years I had countless conversations about how using sweetener causes cancer, whilst defending my right to not inflict a diabetic coma on myself. I have had to take 18 months of medical EI for my diabetes and was treated like a freeloading welfare bum. There is not much sensitivity or understanding out there for diabetics. I hope that can change in the future.
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Old 10-15-2011, 08:47 PM
sayris sayris is offline
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I understand what you mean about judgement.. I am type 1 and I haven't been in very good control of my diabetes for the past little while. Though I'm working hard to change that . I was diagnosed when I was 6 on my birthday lol what a way to celebrate anyways I had lost too much weight with my blood sugars being over 20 all the time and when I finally started taking control of it all I started to gain weight back. Before my a1c was about 13 and I was sure it had gone down. But even though I first walked in so proud of my accomplishments for all that work my pediatrician just looked at me like I was overweight at 120 lbs :/ and all she said was you've gained weight and told me to exercise more... I was finally at a healthy weight and they just judged my weight rather than looking at my disease at hand after that I didn't want to go back and I got a really angry message on my cel phone from one of the peds. Even so now I have gained a few pounds and yeah a little exercise would do me some good but even my father ( whom I work with btw ) tells me infront of all my colleagues that I'm fat or mentions my stomach or tries to grab the skin under my chin. As being diabetic I hate telling people that I am and mainly for that reasons .. At school I never took my injections or tested my sugars . I believe people can be beautiful at any weight and I just can't stand when people judge you for it or when people know you are diabetic and treat you cruelly for it. I told my parents I was depressed and they said I was making excuses.. I hope not to sound like a whiner or after my next sentence, naive, but I think it's hard for people who don't go through those problems and lack such experiences really know how hard it is. Type 2 Is just as harsh as type 1 I'm sure and being a larger size Doesn't give anyone. Not even doctors the right to criticize I mean I'm no model but I'm not condemned for it. I feel average and it took me a long time to be ok with myself. My mother was called fat my father and she had thyroid issues ... Shes always been a healthy person and I don't get how rude he can be.

I'm sorry if my post was in any way disrespectful or unwanted . I really just wanted to say that no matter what you should be proud of yourself for even facing a doctor who is so rude. I wish I could've stood up the those peds and saw back then that I was supposed to be happy as myself and be proud of myself. Keep your dream alive! I think you'd be wonderful
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Old 10-28-2011, 10:12 PM
djones0527 djones0527 is offline
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Default Be Strong

Find another Doctor - and then be determined to help change the way people look at Diabetes. Be an Advocate for the Change ! I believe I fight diabetes harder (40 years) - because of the rejection I took when I was diagnosed at age 16. Yes - I'm free from complications because I took control - after the 'rejection' I took at age 16. Help make it easier for the next Generation by being responsible. And - join JRDF - and become an Advocate for Diabetes :-)
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Old 12-01-2011, 07:06 AM
kbutler1091 kbutler1091 is offline
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Hi, I was diagnosed @ 4 with type 1. It took awhile in that time to be diagnosed because kids weren't supposed to be diabetic. Anyways I was judged souly on my disease when I was younger. Friends parents wouldn't let me spend the night or go places and such. As I got older the judgment shifted to my weight. I was thin, always had been. And after a while I was way under weight, weighing in at 97lbs.
I'm 20 now, and what I'm saying is no matter what spectrum your at you will be judged. And at 15 you'll feel even more so. And this is going to sound like a cliche but, don't care about it. Work on keeping your sugars stable and keeping yourself healthy. I sincerely wish I did that at your age. You can't please everyone, next time roll it off your shoulders, they can't hurt you if you don't care about what they think. Also, take a few close friends and teach them about the disease. This will make your like simpler to have some one to talk about it and actually know what your talking about.
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Old 12-03-2011, 02:18 AM
kmdm kmdm is offline
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The reason for my post is to point out that the judging, disrespect, and rejection that others refer to in this thread is pure stress! Stress is the 24/7 enemy of a diabetic. Being treated this way by parents who are supposed to love you and docs who are supposed to respect and help you stay healthy is disgusting. The advice to "let it roll off" is good since the way you RESPOND to stressful situations is what you DO have control over. So, while you are working to eat right, take your meds, get in your workouts, I urge you to strengthen your mind against stress. No one can take away your freedom to think positive about yourself, to honor your own hard work to stay healthy, and to be the real you, not defined by a disease!
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Old 12-21-2011, 05:21 PM
unicorngurl unicorngurl is offline
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I'm type one and not to be rude if you just tell to Shut up they most likely will… and if that don't work just say you will talk to someone about what that person is doing!! 🐛 and for the doctor just tell there boss cu they ain't there own boss... They can get fires for judging you!!!! Hopes that helped a little
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Old 03-21-2012, 11:07 AM
jamrock jamrock is offline
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