My 8 year old daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 5 days ago. We were discharged from the hospital after 2 days. I am still in shock. We have no family history and I wouldn't have believed this would happen. She is doing ok. She is probably doing better than me!
I am having some trouble getting her to finish eating the carbs I have covered her for. Especially at breakfast. She doesn't have a big appetite. She starts back to school on Tuesday. I am so anxious about her being out of my sight for such a long time. What if she doesn't eat all her lunch, what if the school nurse makes a mistake in her dosage. All these things are going through my head. I haven't had much time to read much but I hope to be able to find out some real day to day advice from this site |
Welcome to the Forum!
![]() I am sorry to hear of your daughters diagnosis. Take her treatment one day at a time, it does get easier. Explain to her the importance of eating all the food that you have prepared for lunch. Talk with the school nurse. Make sure she carries something for lows, a small pack of raisins work well or one individual roll of sweet tarts, as they taste better than glucose tabs and are much cheaper. I wish you both well.
Regards; Danny ![]() |
My 11 yr old son was just diagnosed with type 1 25 days ago.
I can totally relate to all your concerns. He is still running high 200's after 5 days in the hospital. I send you hugs and hope to learn a lot from this forum. |
My 10 year old daughter and my 15 year old daughter were both diagnosed about 4 years ago, and only 6 months apart. I thought I was going to go crazy and I was in shock for some time. There's been a lot of adjustments over the years, but we're hanging in. My 8 year old has been symptomatic for about a year now, but so far negative. I sometimes wonder how much more I can handle, but I have a great support system!
My daughter got diagnose in Feb of this year she's 7. Try giving her, her dosage right after she eats. Just in case she doesn't eat it all. Or just let her know to make sure she eats all the carbs vs the non carbs food on her plate. It will get better.My daughter is on the insulin pump know, and she loves it!! She can eat when she wants as much or as little as she wants. I wish u the best!!!
Our daughter is Type 1 ,When we found out it was in the ER and she was full blown DKA. It will become lot more understandable as time moves on . You should look into a 504 plan. It helps protect your daughter at school it's long to explain , Look into it
My 7 year old daughter was diagnosed 3 days ago. I am so overwhelmed and look forward to a day I am not so lost. What websites or blogs other than this one can you recommend? I feel overwhelmed with info from hospital, but need a good place to get questions answered by other parents-- thank you
I'm in same boat. 7 year old diagnosed Friday night. Back to
School tues. still adjusting and digesting.... Good luck. You're not alone. And, my 39 year old brother was diagnosed at 13... It does get better. |
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![]() I am sorry to hear of your daughters diagnosis. The best advice that I can give you is to learn everything that you can about your child's condition. The more information that you have, the better your decisions will be. Here is one website that is very helpful. Good luck, I wish you both the best.
Regards; Danny ![]() |
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![]() I am sorry to hear of your daughters diagnosis as well. You may find the information, listed in my previous post, valuable as well. Good luck with your daughters control and management. If you have questions, please ask, I have been where you are right now. You are correct; it does get better, but sometimes it just seems to take forever.
Regards; Danny ![]() |
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