Originally Posted by cyndi68
Hi, my name is Cyndi and i was diagnosed with diabetes 2 weeks ago. Ive been good about taking mu bg before and after eating and have only forgotten my meds 2 times, which is good for me. Im trying to stay on weight watchers, thats why i got diagnosed, i couldnt lose because i was ALWAYS hungry. My bg was 249. My dr wants me to stay on low carb diet, but that is hard! Any suggestions?
I recommend you forget what your doctor says about a low carb diet. A plant based whole food diet will CURE your diabetes. No meats, no processed foods, no eggs, no sugery sodas, no milk and dairy products. In other words a vegan diet. I promise you after two weeks your numbers will be down to normal, you will feel better, and should be able to come off medication. It worked for me. Swing by your local book store and get a copy of The China Study by T. Colin Campbell. It's a little bit slow reading but full of information about plant based eating and most importantly facts that back up plant based whole foods is the way to go. Also check out the DVD titled Eating, you can get it from Amazon. Excerise also, as much as you can do without hurting yourself. A walk, gym workout, swimming, etc. Make excerise a part of your daily life. Take time for yourself, relax or meditate at least 30 minutes a day. Pray, doesn't matter who or what you believe in take out some time for that. Best Wishes