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Old 01-26-2011, 05:26 AM
RomeoBuddy RomeoBuddy is offline
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Default Y So High?

Im 12 and I've had diabetes scince I was 3. At the time, I didn't know what diabetes was. Now my understanding is more clear. I can take care of myself and check myself whenever needed. School is tough because whenever I'm in the health office, people are like, "What is that?" and it gets annoying. Whenever I check my BG in class, this kid is like, "Dude, that hurts you. I'm telling you it hurts you and you can't say it doesn't." He makes me mad.
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Old 01-26-2011, 05:27 AM
RomeoBuddy RomeoBuddy is offline
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My BGs are alwayz so high. Y is this?
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Old 01-26-2011, 12:47 PM
dano dano is offline
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Puberty is a rough time in the life of a young diabetic. This is due to the body being already messed up with raging hormones. The diabetes only complicates the process. Stay on top of it and it will get better with age.

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Old 03-24-2011, 11:15 PM
tomschwartz28 tomschwartz28 is offline
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Keep on your path, it's your life, not theirs, but get used to it. Adults often say discouraging words, too. Be strong! People will always say dumb things, but keep in mind that it is out of sheer Ignorance that they say outrageous things. I have a son that has to inject growth hormone, at least you don't have a visible sign ( like being the shortest kid).he puts up with Druid remarks all the time, so I enrolled with him into marshall arts, we chose Tae Kwon Do. It's interesting when they see how knowledgeable he is in protecting himself, now he has self-respect. Find something to be an expert in. Pick anything; and people will see you as an expert in something, and not a victim or a disabled person, they will have other things to talk to you about. Remember, everyone has a handicap,whether it's learning, being ugly, short or a pimple face. Concentrate on your strengths, not your weakness. Good luck! You can do something, help someone, send boxes of goods to the earthquake victims, etc. Then people won't even think of the insignificant action of taking a shot. Good luck, you can overcome this aspect of the problem
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