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Old 03-11-2011, 01:41 AM
littleprincess littleprincess is offline
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Smile carb/insulin ratios

Hi team at Glucose Buddy (Tom Xu, Jeff Neitzel, Bruce Maultasch, Doug Brownstone, Rick Davies, Chris Davies)

Thank you so very much for the work and creativity you have put into Glucose Buddy. My youngest (Kaitlyn age 3) has type one diabetes since just before turning 2. I only came across your app on iPod this Christmas just been and I LOVE it!!!
This has truly been the best tool I have to assist me in the very heavy load of caring for my beautiful little girl and I am very grateful!

I live in New Zealand (little island at bottom of map... not a part of Australia lol) and no one in the diabetes medical team new about Glucose Buddy or any similar apps. This morning I met with our medical team – 3 doctors, 2 nurses and 2 nutritionists to introduce them to Glucose Buddy! They were impressed

They have one suggestion that I am putting forward and asking for your assistance on:
Is there any possibility that the data could be organised in columns of meal times – breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, supper. This is to assist in calculating carb/insulin ratios as they differ across the day and are set from trends comparing the previous weeks breakfasts, then lunch, then dinner – before and after levels.
Have you seen any of the diabetes log books (paper)? They are laid out that way which make trends easier to calculate into ratios.

The information would not have to be displayed this way on the iPod – just be available on her online data base to assist the me and my team.

I hope the request is no too confusing – please email with any questions and let me know if there is a possibility to proceed toward this.

Kind regards
Angela (littleprincess)

PS - I have emailed a possible format for reporting this data - tried to upload the template here but it exeeds the allowed size.
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Old 03-14-2011, 12:08 PM
littleprincess littleprincess is offline
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Hello Again support just wanted to add quick note - an apology really - sorry if I have been impatient. This fast paced time that we live in has crept its way into my values. I'm taking a renewed stand to chose to be patient and to remember that it is often I who requires the patience of the others around me. Bless you in all you are doing and may I encourage you to not grow
Weary - for you are much appreciated.
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Old 03-15-2011, 12:23 AM
dano dano is offline
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I just wanted to let you know that about a month ago a forum member posted a request similar to yours. There was another, as well, around the same time. The last that I read/heard, if I remember correctly, Tom was looking into this to see what could be done. I don't know if anything was ever decided. Here is one of the links.

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Old 03-15-2011, 02:30 AM
littleprincess littleprincess is offline
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Thanks so much Dano! I so appreciate your posts -
You provide excellent feedback
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Old 03-15-2011, 01:02 PM
dano dano is offline
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You are welcome, Angela! I hope that you are able to get the information, that you need, incorporated into the software.

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Old 03-20-2011, 08:33 PM
littleprincess littleprincess is offline
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Hi team,
I understand that you are very busy but could you please some indicator as to the possibility of organizing data as mentioned? I'm finding it quite a challenge to assess Kaitlyn's needs in the current view.
Would be so helpful if I could analyze the previous 7 days in breakfast blocks in columns of before meal bg, before meal insulin, total meal carbs, after meal bg, carb/ insulin ratio - this worked out by dividing the total carbs for meal by before meal insulin dose.
Then a block of 7 days of lunches , and the a block of 7 days of dinners.
Please let me know if this is possible - I'm trying to find an app that does all you offer with this addition - would so prefer to get it through glucose buddy!
Kind regards
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