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Old 01-19-2010, 06:23 PM
mtendler mtendler is offline
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Default Does coffee raise blood sugar?

I always drink my coffee with cream (lower carbs) and splenda. However, my BG always rises a solid 25 - 50 mg/dl after I drink my morning joe. Anyone else?
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Old 01-20-2010, 10:57 AM
duposg duposg is offline
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Default coffee

I have cream and splenda...and yes it does raise my BG levels some and can be easily managed if planned. Also, beware of flavored creams...they have at least 5 grams sugar per serving. Black is best, but I treat my coffee as a snack and count it as so.
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Old 01-20-2010, 06:49 PM
dano dano is offline
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I will have to agree with the others on this. I think that coffee does not cause a rise in the blood glucose level. However, I am willing to bet that the other ingredients (creamer & splenda) are the culprits. I drink a couple of cups of coffee, in the morning, without any other ingredients and find no rise in the blood glucose level. Just my $0.02 worth, other opinions may vary.

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Old 01-21-2010, 12:11 PM
doggy doggy is offline
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To much coffee isn't good at all, even for a none diabetic.
My father always says: "If its not good for a "normal", its totally not good for a diabetic".
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Old 01-23-2010, 07:38 PM
midnightdust midnightdust is offline
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Rob was having a similar issue. For a while his sugar levels are unusually high even without eating and he couldn't figure out why. It wasn't until I was putting milk in my coffee and was casually reading the nutritional facts that I figured it out. He was drinking 2-3 large lattes a day. 1 cup of milk can have 12-16g of sugar. You figure between 1-2 cups of milk per latte and that totally explains the sugar levels. He now only uses a tiny bit of half and half.

He doesn't use sugar because he's alergic to the binding agent used is most artificial sweetners...Is that not crazy terrible luck? A diabetic who is also allergic to artifical sweetners.

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Old 01-25-2010, 08:41 PM
g8rduc g8rduc is offline
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Keep in mind some diabetics have issues with too much Caffeine. Also, depending on what you're using, even half and half can raise your glucose along with Splenda.

When i goto starbucks, i get one of the sugar free's decaf with soy. Soy has a little sugar, but nothing like what the syrups have. Never have glucose issues.
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Old 02-01-2010, 03:28 AM
kgregoire kgregoire is offline
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Default Sugar Free Coffe-mate

I switched to Coffee-mate non dairy creamer (powder at work liquid at home).
The powder has only 1g carbs per tablespoon and 0 sugar according to the label. I haven't noticed any spike in meter readings after having coffee with this.

One thing I don't do however is trust the sugar free non dairy creamer from the any convenience store. I'm sure the just throw the regular French Vanilla in when they run out of sugar free. Just looking at the little creamer thing makes my spidey sense tingle.
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Old 02-13-2011, 10:14 PM
vam26338 vam26338 is offline
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Default Coffee all day long

I drink coffee with 1/2 1/2 all day long at work and at home--over a liter in all--maybe about 100ml cream--and just consider it as part of the background noise re my BG. So, coffee is the norm and I have no intention on modifying my coffee intake. However, I am working toward the modification of my diet and amount of consumption. My wife brought home a poster which she posted on the refrigerator the following: THE NEW FOUR FOOD GROUPS: FRUITS, LEGUMES, WHOLE GRAINS, VEGETABLES. Although I feel that this was created by Vegans, I do feel that the closer I adhere to this diet the closer my BG stays in the "green zone" and the fewer spikes I hit. One word of advice on this poster is this: EAT BETTER: TASTE BUDS CHANGE. So true. In the meantime, I muddle through it, occasionally breaking the regimen-which my dietitian tells me as it is okay so long as it is the exception and not the rule. However, no one will be able to take me away from my coffee!
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Old 04-22-2011, 12:33 PM
mike.lynch mike.lynch is offline
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I was diagnosed with type 2 over 3 months ago. When I was first tested my blood sugar was at 798. I have changed my diet dramatically. Now I range from 97 to 123 ish. I told my wife that there are many things I will change, I quit smoking, I quit smoking marijuana(which I think is why my blood pressure is high now, no pun intended), I exercise now and I eat right, but my coffee nope not changing! I use International Delight Hazelnut and I do not use the low fat one. Unless she wants me super grumpy then I get my coffee the way I like it, I just make sure I have planned it in my diet that's all. I hope you are all doing well in managing your diabetes. Have a wonderful day :-)
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Old 07-24-2011, 04:59 PM
sdupo sdupo is offline
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Drinking coffee is a sure way to invite more problems. Drink clean water. Stay away from sea water. Clean water is best. Chlorinated pool water is ok, too.
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coffee, diabetes, raise blood sugar, splenda

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