what is promble with high temperatus in my body
Really remember Saturday 31 October kok sudden bleeding gums pas toothbrush ... And it was only fitting toothbrush gag wrote. All day my gums bleed walo just a little but gag could stop. But still aja ga ngeh if it takes me to ICU..hiks .. On Sunday, the bleeding worse. Already a day of back and forth to the bathroom for bersihin teeth. Getting late getting worse, and the agency already lemes really. Perhaps due to blood loss. Finally, parents nyuruh check at the clinic deket home.
Well this experience starts from here. This clinic (not disebutin yes, fear of the IT Act Lhoh ..) say if symptoms DB, disuruhlah I nginep there. when I ga ngalamin whose name is hot, dizziness, weve just no red spots, it wrote in the foot. it was already there since Friday, ya just do not know if it gjala DB, strange aja, cook on foot. The first blood test, Monday evening, platelets still 120ribu. Check back Monday morning, there is a new result afternoon, he was still stable. but the bleeding worse. In fact, plus also menstruation. Already deh increasingly lemes body, but the hot ga ga dizziness as well. Tuesday instead ga in check blood when my condition already lemes really. Finally, there are families that a midwife in a hospital eventually forcing asked platelet count checked my blood and it stayed 80ribu. And again I defecate already item so (sorry slob yes ..), but bu doctor who is pregnant with judesnya just said, yes .. Congenital pregnant doctor time yes it really bitchy. Already so well ma brother arguing earlier, bu the doctor said, "Who the heck, I'm the doctor here, and we were still able to care for these patients." Because weve Manteb ga ma family clinic that eventually it was decided to move to hospitals. Well, so very appropriate decision because apparently re-check platelets in hospitals it was just 5ribu. Everyone already tantrum because it limits the platelets are already worrying and having 12 bags of platelet transfusion. All families are already on the anxious, ladies and there's nothing to laugh again. visit my website : game danh bai |
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Read through the first three threads in the Type 2 Section, when you get a chance, if you have not already done so. These threads will most-likely help you a lot. Self education is one of the keys to successful management of your diabetes, along with a healthy / sensible diet and exercise. Basically, diabetes requires a life-style change for the better. Good luck with your control and management.
Regards; Danny |