Confused about logs
Do you start a new log every day or just continue the same one? I was diagnosed 2/12 with type 1 diabetes and have all my numbers and insulin doses. I wanted to enter everything, but it keeps creating different logs when I pause and go back in a little while. Not sure how soon I should be selecting new log. I think I need it all on one log, but it is all still so new to me I'm not sure what to do. Thanks, Katie
You have one "log(s)" data location on the website. When you input data, you are essentially creating a new log each time throughout the day. You can enter up to three (3) logs at one session, for instance at lunch, enter blood glucose, carbs per lunch and amount of insulin, hit save and you have created three (3) logs during that session. See the GB Help thread for additional help.
Regards; Danny |