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Old 04-25-2014, 03:13 AM
jedi12 jedi12 is offline
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I buy mini sugar free Werther hard candy at Walmart. I'm careful not to over eat. It does help when I want a sweet. Keep in mind it has sugar alcohol which is a little sugar. Think each piece has 14 sugar alcohols which divided by 2 is 7 sugars. Help this helps.
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Old 05-23-2014, 05:05 PM
kcritcher kcritcher is offline
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I didn't know this until recently because no one told me, but most everyone is more insulin resistant in the morning. I have found for myself that I can have a serving of something sweet in the afternoon or evening, and as long as I drink plenty of water, my levels stay pretty low. Hope this helps.
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Old 07-08-2014, 05:42 PM
hope2777 hope2777 is offline
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Smile Thanks For The Infor on Sweets

I didn't know that about insulin resistance in the morning. I'm going to do a better job of watching my carbs in the morning when I eat my breakfast, so my sugar levels won't be so high at lunch.
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Old 10-22-2014, 02:14 AM
deborahbell9 deborahbell9 is offline
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It's really hard when your feeling the sweet cravings. I keep small apples, oranges and I might have some carrots if it's before bed time. It took a while to get to this point but the results are rewarding. Juicing is helpful also.
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Old 11-07-2014, 07:25 PM
VMorris VMorris is offline
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I was diagnosed at 19 as a type 1 diabetic. I grew up eating and baking sweets so the hardest part for me was limiting sweets in my diet. I have recently started baking with stevia instead of sugar so I can have a little more in my diet. Stevia doesn't raise my blood sugar and it's herbal not artificial.
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Old 11-11-2014, 03:24 PM
heart102271 heart102271 is offline
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Uh, how about addressing why you're miserable? Maybe I'm wrong here, but I think a lot of us have been tricked, lied to, and encouraged... To hate our bodies and ourselves. Did you know that 90% of all diets fail (with failure being gaining back all the weight in 5 yrs or less) and that of that 90% who gain it back... 85% gain MORE than they lost?!? If we prescribed men Viagra...and it only worked for 10% or less of people, would we shame the other 90% it didn't work for? Tell them it's their fault it didn't work? That they didn't do it right, or weren't trying hard enough? No! That's ridiculous right? So why is it any LESS ridiculous when we do it to a fat person about dieting and weight loss? What would happen, if instead of saying "I've gotta lose weight" you said "I've gotta take my MEDS like I'm supposed to, learn about how my diet choices affect my BGL's... And I'd like to move my body more since that's supposed to not only lower levels, but provide other health benefits as well. What if... You focused on getting the BGL under control... And said, if in doing these changes some weight comes off, that's nice... But if it DOESN'T... That's ok too, I'm still healthier.
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Old 11-15-2014, 08:28 PM
Gardella1 Gardella1 is offline
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I have found many low carb dessert recipes on line that do not spike my sugars. has a bunch too. I alcohol get a bag of very dark chocolate baking chips and when I have to have a sweet or chocolate I just have 4-5 and then I'm ok. I also use mints, gum and breath spray to get my mind off it.
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Old 11-20-2014, 02:18 PM
mvick mvick is offline
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My dr said to stop all carbs for three days to eliminate cravings. This included fruits, juices and artificial sweeteners. This helped tremendously to reduce cravings as sugar is addictive. Now I find a piece of fruit or a diet soda is all that if reach for. Not diet just my way of life now
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