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Old 01-15-2014, 06:06 PM
AviancaRamos AviancaRamos is offline
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I was just diagnosed last Saturday on January 4, 2014. It's been a hectic week between the hospital visits and then visiting my diabetes center. Im slowly starting to understand that this was nota curse but a blessing. I'm more knowledgeable about my body and my mind. I am an 18yr old college freshman with big dreams and this will not slow me or anyone else down but it is just another step in our day and chapter in our journey!
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Old 01-26-2014, 08:37 PM
abduak abduak is offline
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I was diagnosed 2 weeks from today. My a1c was 14.7.
I was drinking a lot of water and urinating all the time as symptoms for 4 months.

I've been eating 0 carbs this far and maintaining 120-140 blood sugar average until I can see the specialist this week.

I'm 23, athletic, and always ate home cooked meals. Not sure why this happened to me.
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Old 02-03-2014, 09:44 AM
jordan100 jordan100 is offline
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Default Efficient nutrition tips for those dealing with diabetes

Hey guys just have a look on what food you need to consume in order to get rid of diabetes:

All the folks dealing with the problem of diabetes are recommended to consume foodstuffs that have low proportion of sugar, fats and salt. The below mentioned a checklist of particular eatables that can facilitate you to maintain a healthy diet and also steer clear of diabetes concerned disorders.

Fiber rich foods:
Foods loaded with fiber are mainly included in the gestational diabetes diet plan since this facilitates with the appropriate digestion of foodstuffs and guarantees appropriate bowel movement.

Foods that we must avoid:
Sugar plus glucose containing foodstuffs intensifies diabetes and therefore, they should be entirely eliminated from the diabetes diet plan agenda. Foodstuffs that consist of sugar for instance jellies, jams, frozen treats, cookies, cake, tinned syrups, etc.

Oily Meals:
Fatty foodstuffs consisting of higher quantities of bad cholesterol must be avoided as it is dangerous for those who are dealing with diabetes. It is necessary to divest yourself of from all fatty foodstuffs, for instance bacon, deep-fried meats; salad dressings, for example mayonnaise, butter, cheese, margarine, oil, egg yolk together with other high fat dairy items.

Carbohydrates that can be highly obtained from breads plus sweets boost up the blood sugar levels and as a result, it is necessary to stay away from consuming foods that consists of tremendous amount of starch. Assured foodstuffs to keep away from if you are dealing with the consequences of diabetes include cookies, pizzas, a white bread, rice and so on.

Starchy vegetables and fruit:
Particular vegetables such as like potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, corn, and so on must not be consumed. Alternatively, a variety of other veggies, consisting of carrots, beet, beans etc must be consumed in lesser quantities. Fresh fruits to avoid while dealing with the problems of diabetes consist of bananas, plums, oranges, grapefruit, mango, custard apple, strawberries and so on.
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Old 02-21-2014, 07:17 PM
kmlant kmlant is offline
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Default Diagnosed in 1965

I was diagnosed with Type 1 in 1965. It seems like it's been a long time, and it feels like I have never been without my Type 1.

I hadn't been feeling well, and my mom--a nurse--took my urine to the clinic where she worked. A few minutes after she gave the sample to her lab co-worker, he came running down the hall, saying, "Get your daughter to the hospital. She has diabetes."

It was a total shock. I was in the hospital about a week, and then I was sent out into a world that seemed completely altered. Nothing ever seemed the same to me. I had a long time resisting and denying. But it didn't go away.

I do ok now. I get angry still, though. I do the old "why me?" thing. But I have dealt with this for 49 years, and I plan to keep going as long as I can.

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Old 02-23-2014, 07:25 PM
h3babe h3babe is offline
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I was 8 years old (now 23) and all of a sudden I started wetting the bed. So my mom took me in to see if I had some sort of infection. After peeing in a cup, I instantly got sent to the children's hospital in the cities!
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Old 04-18-2014, 08:22 PM
brilynch7 brilynch7 is offline
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I was diagnosed with T1 on 12/31/13 at 19. I had a week with my diagnosis at home before I had to go back to college. It was a totally rushed process, but I've been able to keep my sugars in control. For anyone that's struggling with a new diagnosis I strongly suggest watching YouTube videos of other diabetics and reading books like "think like a pancreas." Although I had to change my life style, educating myself made the transition a lot easier. If anyone is dealing with T1 in college or has advice I would love to hear from you.
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Old 07-14-2014, 02:37 PM
type1dec type1dec is offline
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Default 1966

I was diagnosed as a type 1 48 years ago at the age of 4 in 1966. Have been on insulin from the start back in the days when syringes were glass and had to be heated in a little autoclave at home. I have been very fortunate. I have none of the bad issues that can result from diabetes, other than my skin being a little tired of injections.
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Old 07-28-2014, 06:39 PM
working2 working2 is offline
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I am following all the rules. I still fluctuate. It has been one month.
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Old 08-13-2014, 11:45 PM
roadierider roadierider is offline
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Diagnosed Nov 6, 1965, this yr will be 49yrs. I'm still old school, keep sugar below 200, never believed in tight control, and never will. Back then, didn't have the technology there is now for testing. Used to boil a glass syringe, only urine testing for sugar levels. And in 49yrs have only been hospitalized 2 times and both was out with-in 6hrs. In fact, just began glucose testing about 6yrs ago. I don't pay much heed to the Dr's, seems they want to treat us all the same. what I learned at 17 was diabetics are like snowflakes, there are no 2 alike. I don't eat anything sugar free, been counting carbs for 30yrs. I must be doing something right, since I'm relatively free of major complications. .Any way, shooting for 75yrs to be on insulin, 26 more yrs to go. LOL
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Old 11-01-2014, 09:11 PM
aggiephobic aggiephobic is offline
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After having my pancreas removed due to cancer a year and a half ago I have had type one diabetes. I take Lantus and Humalog and I'm doing pretty well on those. Since they only gave me six months to live I've made it a year and a half so far and still going strong. I keep very careful check on my diet also.
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type 1 diagnosis

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