New member from Vancouver, WA
Hi everyone. I was diagnosed Type 1 around 8 months ago. My A1C at the time was 10.7 and I wasn't feeling very good. I had been on a slow release insulin as well as oral meds and my Doc felt that my numbers would get better if I ate and exercised in a certain way. It wasn't working. My numbers were getting worse every visit. Finally my Doc seemed frustrated and referred me to an Endocrinologist. Wow, best move ever Doc! My Endo turned out to be very knowledgeable and easy to work with. He explained that I was getting enough insulin but I was taking it in the wrong way and wrong timing. He set me up with a single daily shot of Lantus (slow acting) insulin and told me how to calculate my needed fast acting insulin for meals. After a few months I returned for a blood test and my A1C was much better and I really felt better. I'm continuing to learn about how foods affect me and which foods my body does best with. Strange to be 57 years old and just now learning these things.
It's strange but I feel more free today than I did a year ago in spite of the fact that I carry an insulin kit with me where ever I go. |
Welcome to the Forum!
I am glad that the Endo worked for you. Anyone that has T1 should make sure that they see one as soon as possible. We all are still learning about this dreaded disease, I learn something new or usable every day. I guess that you can teach an old dog new tricks, based on my personal findings. Good luck with your control and management.
Regards; Danny |