Blood pressure loging
When I want to log the blood pressure values the app doesn't work, it flash a message : you have not a glucose value. I have upgraded de app ( the second time) paying again and it doesdnot log the blood pressure. Has any of you have the same problem? Can somebody help me ?
blood pressure logs
I have been using the app for several months loging the blood glucose . I began to log tyhe B Pressure for several days but without reason it didnt log the BP . I wrote to the help email and had no answer. . I upgraded the app and paid again and it doesnt log the BP . Whats the problem? I want my money Back
I assume that you are speaking of the GB Pro App. If that is the case, it does log blood pressure. I don't use the BP input, but I believe that you must input the Diastolic, Systolic and Heart Rate all at the same time. (IE all three must be input).
Regards; Danny |