This week has been a whirlwind of productivity. I have a couch that is comfy, I have a TV with about 5 HD channels, I have a ceiling fan in my bedroom. There's a lot more that has been done, and of course there's plenty left to keep doing. I think this week has taught me that it's going to be ok. It's going to be ok that 2 of these bedrooms will be empty and soulless for a little bit while I figure out what to do with them. It's going to be ok that pretty much everything about my bathroom is hideous, but as long as the sink, toilet and shower work, I can deal with it (for now). And, it's going to be ok that my appliances got delayed a week (without any prior notification) because after I'm finished putting my bed together next Saturday, I know that I'll be able to test out the washer and dryer on my new bed sheets.