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Old 11-07-2012, 04:53 PM
rundad rundad is offline
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Default running and energy gels?

I am newly diagnosed Type 2 and also a runner. In the last two months I have managed to lose 15 pounds and have been doing great on my BG #'s. I was wondering if any diabetic runners out there can let me know how you have tolerated gu type gels during long runs? I don't want to mess up on a long run. Thx!
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Old 12-08-2012, 03:12 AM
rshell77 rshell77 is offline
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I was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago, I also used to be a marathoner about 3 weeks ago my doc told me that marathons are not recommended and suggested that I cut my weekly mileage down to only 15-20 miles a week, where as I used to run 50 or more miles a week. However on the subject of those gu gels I never used them during training or during races except for once and I didn't like it. As far as the effect it would have on your blood sugar or anything else I wouldn't know. I do know that I never carb loaded before a race I would hydrate very well for two days before eat balanced meals for two days before and made sure i really hydrated very well for 24 hours before race. Day of the race I would get up 3 hours before going to the race eat a two serving bowl of oatmeal and some bananas and start warm ups and stretching after eating till I lined up. In my opinion if you don't train with gels you won't need them during races my best PR was at the rock and roll marathon a week before I was diagnosed I came in at 3 hrs 15 mins on a full marathon and no gels.
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Old 01-05-2013, 03:11 AM
corbyjames corbyjames is offline
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I've been a type 2 for around 8 years. 2 years ago I started running and last year completed 2 marathons. rshell, nice PR btw.

First, running is awesome for diabetics. Don't let anyone tell you different. When you are running your body processes insulin 5 times more effectively than it does when you are not exercising.

Second, get a copy of the Diabetic Athlete's Handbook. It will help a lot.

Next, do not reduce your mileage. It will actually cause your BG to go up unless you replace it with something else and neither of the two endochrinologists that I've worked with have ever said that to me. I run 35-60 miles a week depending on what I'm training for. I also swim3-4 miles, and bike over 100 when I'm training for triathalons.

Finally, to the question about card loading and gu...last year for my first marathon, I carb loaded very heavily. I felt like crap and went pretty high during it, but had a great race. I used gu (various brands) on long runs over 20 miles and took 4 during the race. Again, when you are exercising your body is better at using its insulin. So understand that you need to watch your BG and see how your body works with this stuff. You still are burning huge amounts of carbs on long runs and if you don't feed your body, you will bonk.

Hope this helps guys. There is not a lot of good information on this. My running group in Austin has a diabetic meet up with both Type 1 and Type 2 folks that are marathoners. I'll post anything we come up on there if you are interested.

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Old 01-08-2013, 03:02 AM
rundad rundad is offline
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Thank you both! I do not plan to reduce my mileage. I am getting great results with my increased miles and have been feeling great. I will be trying a gel for the first time since diagnosis this weekend on my long run. Haven't gone far enough to need them till now. I will be monitoring during the run and staying close to home with my RoadID on. Thanks for the help!
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