Check the omnipod website for their map of other places you can put your infusion sites. : ) I happily insert minimed sites on my hips, thighs, butt and back (the part considered the 'muffin top' works best for me) and I generally dont use my stomach because I think it hurts the most.
Good luck! |
I've been on pump for 16 yrs im a young 47 yr oldale and for the past 2 yrs I've had alot of issues w high sugars due to all the scar tissue damage from my sites. I have very little fat and can't place my silhouettes in a comfortable area anymore. I just stated taking shots again (Lantus & Apidra) ,this weekend :-( Wish there was another alternative ! I'm having to take a total of 9 shots a day, so far. This is gonna suck !
Looking for options !!! Thank you |
I have been on a pump for the last 12 years. The only area I have used has been in the belly. I have also looked into injecting elsewhere because of scar tissue. I did not know you could inject on the thighs. Thanks for the advice.
During the summer months I place the site on my thighs simply because I love to dive and swim and I just don't like to see a port cover on my belly. Plus it makes me feel some what normal again. I use my side occasionally and have see a lady in the store with her pump on her left upper arm like she was carrying a iPod.
I had that problem when I used alcohol pads.. I switched to IV prep and I stopped having it... But I use my stomach and my bottom for sites never got brave enough to try anything else!
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