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Old 07-15-2014, 04:07 AM
ma6791 ma6791 is offline
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Default Diabetes Can Cause Increased Desire to Eat?

I have always had problems sticking to my diabetes in the evenings but during the day I've done pretty well. In the last four months, I have had an increased desire to eat! Seems like I want to eat all the time even though I am not really physically hungry. It's like I feel driven to eat as much as I can. I have gained 7 or 8 pounds in the last 4 months (since I saw my doctor). When I saw my doctor last I had actually lost a few pounds and hoped to continue to lose. At that time my bs was doing a little A1C was stable at 6.9...two times before that it had been 7.2. Because my A1C was only 6.9 the doctor held off on prescribing more medication (I'm on Metformin currently). But I go to see him Thursday and here I am weight up and bs average over 200. I can't even say I've tried. I'm sure my A1C will be above 7 again (this site estimates 7.4) and I'm going to get more medication for sure. So mad at myself because when I eat right it does come down not always normal but close to it.

Today I was at an endocrinologist about another problem and asked him whether diabetes can make you want to eat all the time. I didn't think so but he said it can! I didn't want to take too much time with him but I'm wondering if this is another sign that the disease is progressing. Anyone ever had this happen or talked to their doctor about it?
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Old 07-21-2014, 07:59 PM
ma6791 ma6791 is offline
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No one has responded to my post but I will tell you what I have found out...yes, high bs can cause you to be driven to eat. Because the glucose is not getting into the cell (or not enough), the cells are in a state of starvation so the body makes you feel hunger so you will eat more. Of course this becomes a never ending cycle as you eat more carbs. I tried to eat more protein but I'm not a big protein eater. I do like veggies and tried to eat lots but still didn't work. My doctor also told me that age can be a factor in controlling diabetes. I am 71. So I finally gave in to taking a second med. Even before I started taking it though with this new info, I managed to start controlling my eating a little better although my bs were still high. It just helped knowing what I was dealing with as I thought it was just me being a pig. Now on the new med I continue to notice the craving for food is not nearly so bad and slowly my bs are also beginning to come down. Also my weight. Just wanted to let you know this in case someone else in the same situation and blaming themselves for their gluttony.
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Old 07-26-2014, 04:11 PM
Franky489 Franky489 is offline
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Hi Ma...I am sorry you didn't get a response ....I just joined and saw this post...I am glad you posted this info because I was having the same problem...It helps me to know that I am not the only one who is going through this...I am on a low carb diet and found that if I keep my carbs under control that my hunger is better controlled...I have found all these different Apps that is making it easier to log my carbs...I hope it helps you to know that you are not the only one that has experienced this....
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Old 07-27-2014, 02:58 AM
ouchpoke ouchpoke is offline
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Ma you might try eating salads. It helps me a lot controlling my sugar. Now when I say salad, lettuce ,apples,carrots,tomatoes, celery, green peppers,squash, and any you can think of. Plus any salad dressing. As long as it's raw it's ok. I've had 7 bowls of salads to day and my sugar is 109. But I do take ins shots . But by what I've read about raw veg. Is you can get off shots if you stick to it.
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Old 10-23-2014, 04:24 PM
Meenie Meenie is offline
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I had the same trouble til I found lchf (low carb high fat moderate protein). Cravings are a thing of the past. BGs mostly under 100. it's a beautiful thing! Took grandkids out to dinner and had no desire for breads or dessert!! Happy camper here
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Old 10-25-2014, 06:56 AM
Georgetta Georgetta is offline
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I have the same probelms especially after I take my lantus at bedtime I be in my kitchen at 3 am cooking a five course meal
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Old 11-11-2014, 02:56 PM
heart102271 heart102271 is offline
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I think the key to solving this problem is making changes to your food choices that you can live with forever, without feeling deprived or punished. Everybody's body works a little differently. Some people can eat more carbs without spiking their BGL. Some people can't. Some people do just fine with a few sugar free candies etc and some people find the sugar alcohol causes them to spike. You can learn about your body by testing your BGL regularly and keeping a food log until you get the hang of it. I like an occasional salad... But I'm no rabbit. I'm not willing to drink my coffee black, and I like potatoes and pasta and basically I'm not going to be miserable. I don't have to! There are lots of things I like to eat that are actually diabetic friendly! I found a stevia sweetener for hot coffee, and discovered I like unsweetened coffee with milk over ice! I learned about what serving of fries I can occasionally eat without spiking. I switched to a delicious double fiber bread. And sugar free Reese's minis are like my favorite candy, tasting just like the real thing. I feel confident my levels are in control. Minor wounds heal. I'm not starving all the time, and I'm not miserable.
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Old 11-12-2014, 04:03 AM
dano dano is offline
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We always want what we can't have, it's human nature. Carb counting works very well for me.

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Old 11-15-2014, 08:40 PM
Gardella1 Gardella1 is offline
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I have found success with lchf also.
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