Fancy-dress wardrobe issues led to the bra-fix one night and I never went back. I can't stand how the pump used to hit door-jams and chairs and things when I wore it on my hip. It's also less frequent that I get it tangled in my car safety belt now. It stays tucked between my left armpit and my left breast, on the strap. Sometimes the tube sticks out of a low-cut shirt, but I never have to "fish-around in there" like I do for my phone
It does "get in the way" a bit when i'm engaged in a friendly hug, but the only real problem I've experienced is while gardening one day. I'm guessing moisture from the sweaty work-out got under the plastic somehow, because the pump went haywire for days. I finally took the battery and the reservoir out for an afternoon, thinking I was going to exchange it. But when I reassembled it that night, everything worked fine. No problems since.
Same thing happens to my phone, when I carry it in my bra for extended periods of time - Haywire, until I take it apart to dry out a bit.