Originally Posted by katcalcon
I managed to go from A1C 11 to A1C 6.5 in 3 months but now I am climbing back up. Because I am so sick of bland boring same old stuff. I find it so hard to stay on diet when I can't even eat my favorites. I find my self barely able to swallow the stuff that is good for me and just thoroughly dreaming of eating great yummy food. Has anyone come across this problem?
All the time, it is a struggle. Hang in there. Try having a reward day. If you like donuts for example, once a month eat one. That doesn't mean you crave something on a daily basis and eat it once a month. Just once a month eat whatever you wish in a reasonable quanity. I'd kill for fried chicken, but I know it is not good for me. Nevertheless, once a month I eat one piece of chicken and I'm happy. The rest of the month I stick to my plant based whole food diet and my numbers are rarely over 115. Try it.