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Old 04-01-2015, 12:12 PM
karmadecay karmadecay is offline
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Last edited by karmadecay; 05-06-2015 at 04:36 PM.
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Old 04-02-2015, 12:36 AM
dano dano is offline
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Welcome to the Forum!

It takes time to get the numbers down. Stay the course. BTW 2 pieces of cheese pizza is about 67 carbs. A lot of people try to not eat more than 30 carbs per meal. Counting carbs works, trust me.

Read through the first three threads in the Type 2 Section, when you get a chance, if you have not already done so. These threads will most-likely help you a lot. Self education is one of the keys to successful management of your diabetes, along with a healthy / sensible diet and exercise. Basically, diabetes requires a life-style change for the better. Good luck with your control and management.

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Old 06-18-2015, 01:48 AM is offline
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Default recently diagnose

My doctor just told me 2 months ago. I eat healthy no junk food no sodas just water, no bread just wheat exercise 4 times a week with cardio routines etc. I think i do pretty good with my health. My first A1c was 6.10 and I been working a little harder. I live so worry all day that I check my glucouse at least 3 timesa day. I am 98 % of the time below 120 after two hours but always thnking it is not enough. I will go crazy pretty soon. Some words of wisdom? BTW TAKING METFORMIN 500 once a day.
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Old 06-20-2015, 12:30 PM
Sonny5 Sonny5 is offline
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Relax and ease off on the worry. Sounds like you are doing everything you should be doing. Stress can hurt you more than the diabetes. Maybe testing too much. I just test when I wake up. On Mondays I retest 2 hrs after breakfast; Wed 2 hrs after lunch; Fri 2 hrs after supper. I've found it enough to see the pattern. Good luck!
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Old 06-23-2015, 04:31 PM
gmontgom gmontgom is offline
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My BG spikes during the night. Went to bed one night with a BG of 99 after a very low to no carb dinner. Woke up with a BG of 134. Take 1000mg Metformin 2x a day. One morning one evening. PC said I could be releasing Cortisol during sleep causing the spike. Anyone heard of this or experience this???
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Old 06-24-2015, 08:11 PM
nscarroll nscarroll is offline
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I have this problem, I started a bedtime snack and it helped. Here is an article:
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Old 06-27-2015, 09:00 PM
karmadecay karmadecay is offline
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Originally Posted by Sonny5 View Post
Relax and ease off on the worry. Sounds like you are doing everything you should be doing. Stress can hurt you more than the diabetes. Maybe testing too much. I just test when I wake up. On Mondays I retest 2 hrs after breakfast; Wed 2 hrs after lunch; Fri 2 hrs after supper. I've found it enough to see the pattern. Good luck!
I can't remember what I wrote in the orginal post. At some point I tried to delete it and couldn't so I just edited everything out and replaced it with a single letter. Can others still read it somehow?

Anyway I don't worry anymore. I realized I'm not going to be perfect. I realized that glucose tests can have some oddball results. I realized I can cheat but I have to limit how often I do it, and even when I do it I cannot eat like I used to.

My last A1C was 5.1%.

I do test a lot more often than you do. At some point I got my insurance company to give me more test strips, so I use them. I think it's fine to test often, especially when eating things you're not used to eating. You just have to keep your eye on the big picture. One "bad" result doesn't bother me like it used to. A bad day wont bother me much. A string of bad days is a different story. But unless those happen I just keep an eye on my weekly average and try to limit what I'd consider big spikes (for me these days that's any test over 130). It's not uncommon for me to go a week without a single big spike, and that's because I've tested so much I know what I'm eating will do to me.

That said, I test two hours after meals. I know that I actually peak earlier than that, but my doctor and I are more interested in how my body responds to those peaks. If I eat something bad and my BG is over 130 two hours later, I know I have to be really careful for my next meal. If I'm not, it tends to lead to several high BG results.

Everybody's gotta develop their own system for dealing with this stuff. My program is:

1. Watch carbs. That's the single most important variable when it comes to blood glucose.
2. I cannot eat any carbs in the morning. I usually just skip breakfast even though most doctors will say not to do that.
3. Don't worry about high readings. Simply respond to them if need be.
4. I cheat, but not too often, and even when I cheat I don't eat like I used to eat.
5. This whole thing isn't just about diabetes. It's about being healthier in general. Even though I wasn't terribly fat when I was diagnosed, I believe that Type II is actually saving my life. I was out of shape and eating so poorly I probably would have become obese and I probably would have been dead within 10 years. What's good for your body is generally good for your diabetes, though of course the diabetes requires a little extra vigilance since some healthy foods do increase blood sugars.
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Old 07-06-2015, 12:17 AM is offline
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Spoke with my Dr about my BG being higher in the AM..... I have sleep apnea. Dr. said that apnea patients often have higher morning BG.
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Old 09-20-2015, 05:50 AM
migo migo is offline
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Iam not overweight and pre- diabetic, do u think exercises and diet it will work to prevent diabetes?
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Old 09-23-2015, 08:44 AM
jessicalife jessicalife is offline
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Me too. I think good diet is very helpful
diabetes destroyer review

Last edited by jessicalife; 09-23-2015 at 09:05 AM.
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