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Old 02-24-2015, 09:00 PM
rhilley rhilley is offline
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Default Shakeology (not a sales pitch)

Recently diagnosed as Type 2. Making modifications in how I eat. Wanted to see if anyone on the forums has issues with using Shakeology as a meal replacement. Fasting this morning was 103....had my Shakeology mixed with powdered peanut butter and tested an hour later 158! My 2 hour test was 152! I really love Shakeology as my morning meal but it looks like it doesn't love me back. Any thoughts....btw with the peanut butter total carbs are 22g.

Thanks in advance for any advice!


Last edited by rhilley; 02-24-2015 at 09:30 PM.
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Old 02-26-2015, 12:59 AM
rhilley rhilley is offline
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By the way this has been bugging me since my post....sales pitch....not quite sure what a sells pitch is!
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Old 05-27-2015, 03:52 AM
chasingkans chasingkans is offline
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i am drinking herbal life shakes and taking the muti vitamin and cell activator seems to help me.
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Old 05-27-2015, 05:30 AM
karmadecay karmadecay is offline
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Originally Posted by rhilley View Post
Recently diagnosed as Type 2. Making modifications in how I eat. Wanted to see if anyone on the forums has issues with using Shakeology as a meal replacement. Fasting this morning was 103....had my Shakeology mixed with powdered peanut butter and tested an hour later 158! My 2 hour test was 152! I really love Shakeology as my morning meal but it looks like it doesn't love me back. Any thoughts....btw with the peanut butter total carbs are 22g.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Your results may vary but any carbs in the morning will boost my BG farther than the same meal would later in the day. I don't know why. They say we should eat four meals a day but I skip breakfast (I always have skipped breakfast anyway).

If I were you I'd give it a little time. Get your sugars under control for a few weeks and give your shake another go. It may not do that to you anymore. Until then if you want to eat breakfast, avoid carbs. Learn about glycemic index as well.

It seems like things change with how your body responds to things as you move along. For the first couple weeks after I started managing my diabetes, a can of soda would spike me to 170 or more. Last weekend was my birthday and I ate fried chicken, mashed potatoes, a roll, and a large-size soda from a fast food joint. The spike from that meal was 149, and by the end of the evening I was down to 97. In the three days since, I haven't had a reading above 108, and that one came after an evening meal. In the early days if I'd eaten the same meal I had for my birthday there's little doubt my blood sugar would have soared and there probably would have been a lingering effect for a day or two.

My theory is that once you get yourself under control for a while, the body becomes less resistant to insulin. It can handle cheating better. Sugars don't rise as much and they return to normal more quickly. I would not make a habit of cheating, obviously...if we did that we'd be right back where we started.

Anyway try eating as close to zero carbs as you can in the morning, and if you must have some carbs make sure most of them are from dietary fiber. Then for a few weeks (at least) try to keep most your other meals to 30 carbs or less. After that see how you handle that shake. I doubt those 22 carbs are something you'll have to live without forever. Just temporarily.
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Old 05-27-2015, 02:25 PM
dano dano is offline
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According to Shakeology a Vanilla Shakeology has 130 calories, 16g of protein, 14g of carbs, 7g of sugar, and 2g of fat. I guess it all depends on what type of milk you are using. The carbs on the mix is not bad, but 8 oz of skim milk would bump it up another 12g carbs.

I saw your edit "btw with the peanut butter total carbs are 22g." I suppose that you could try a 30 minute walk after breakfast.


Last edited by dano; 05-27-2015 at 02:30 PM.
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Old 05-28-2015, 08:28 PM
jojogal001 jojogal001 is offline
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I agree with dano. The carbs on that shake are 26 not including the peanut butter powder. You'll have to figure those in too for an accurate carb amount. I just took a class at the local hospital's diabetes center. It teaches so many things about nutrition, how to count carbs, among many other things you've probably never thought of. You might try seeing if a class is available to you. Most insurances pay for them, and some are free.
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Old 07-19-2015, 04:08 AM
turningmeditator turningmeditator is offline
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Default Milk and Peanuts

Milk is bad news, skim is the worst. Try heavy cream that has zero carbs. Powdered peanut butter also has more carbs than you think.
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