I've been a type 1 for 21, years (I'm 28). I have no complications at all. My eyes are great, my kidneys are great and I don't have any numbness or tingling in my extremities. As long as you test often, eat properly and carb count, take the correct doses of insulin at the right time and exercise regularly you will be fine! I know it can be overwhelming at first, but before you know it diabetes and treating it will just be a part of your lifestyle and managing it will feel very natural. Make sure you see your Endo at least once a year, get your A1c tested every 3 months and make sure to have regular eye appointments with a specialist (they can detect any early damage to your vessels). Make sure you get your regular doc or your Endo to do your kidney function blood tests (creatnin and microalbumin) because that will indicate how your kidneys are doing.
Take care of your body and you will have a long and healthy life with diabetes! It is possible! Best of luck, Andrea |