Yeast infections ... was how I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes two months ago. I kept having yeast infections every month (during pms) and when I went to my ob-gyn they said that the reason was most likely because I had sugar in my urine & my glucose level was abnormal. I went to my PCD and he diagnosed me with type 1 and said that was the reason why I had recurring YIs. Its true though, because ever since I've been on insulin and counting my carbs, I haven't had a yeast infection in two months. However let me break yeast infection down & give some home remedies
![]() Yeast infections occur when taking antibiotics, wearing tight fitting non-breathable clothes, which keep in moisture and heat. Multiple sclerosis, diabetes, PMS, obesity, and pregnancy. Here are some things that you can do to help with YI and prevent it: 1.) yeast (candida / bad yeast)- thrives off of sugar. You want to starve those yeasts , so if you have severe YIs cut out the sugar & eliminate them! 2.) Eat PLAIN yogurt that has the active culture acidophilus... It helps the good bacteria and gives it a fighting chance against bad yeast. If your situation is severe ... Try dipping a tampon into the yogurt and insert it or wipe some yogurt on the outside. Do not leave it on/in too long or you'd have the opposite effect, since yeast loves moisture. 3.) GARLIC- yeast hates garlic . If you can't find ways to add garlic to your cooking or menu, get the tablets. 4.) apple cider vinegar :MOTHER. You can either use it internally or externally. Apple cider vinegar is really strong so please do not apply it directly to the skin. It will kill the bacteria but it will also burn you ( and from my experience ... It stung like heck!) try adding it to your bath water or put some in a spray bottle with the majority of the percentage being water. It is important that the vinegar have the mother, as this is more natural and less processed. Never use plain, white vinegar! This actually feeds the yeast instead of killing it. 5.) wear cotton panties. Since this topic is on GB... the best and only cure that really was successful ... and has kept YIs away for me especially being a diabetic... is keep your sugar undercontrolled! |