New to forum
Hi folks. I'm male, 77. T2 since last March. I take 1000mg Metformin twice a day. Doc tells me to keep fasting (wake up) under 120 and 2 hr after dinner under 140. These no's seem high. I weigh 160 (5'-7"). Dietitian has me on 1825 cal/225 gm of carbs. These no's also seem high so I do 1500 cal and around 165 carbs. I am not a couch potato but not athletic. Hit the tread mill now and then, walk on the beach. I would appreciate any suggestions anyone has to lower my numbers. Sounds like lots of you have this figured out. T1and T2 are both common in my family. I track food intake very accurately using My Fitness Pal on my iPod. Thanks for all of the good info. Ed