Hi, IM Andy- I have been type 1 diabetes for almost 20 years and now IM 35. I check my bs level four times a day (before injecting insulin and meals) and normally I get around 80-130. And I eat pretty much everything but healthy most of the time..and I try to do exercise at least once a week.. First five years all my family and I was extremely picky about what to eat and it had been really stressful for me and them and I become really moody.. So I decided to stop picky about what to eat, rather sometimes I eat what I really want to eat... I don't have a health insurance so I havent gone to see a doctor for several years... But I'll get one soon hopefully... My question is IM about to get married although her parents disapprove our relationship because of my issue.. And my girl friend is kinda worried about having a baby since I have a diabetes.. Are there any problem For her to have healthy baby? And another question is all i do is injecting insulin four times a day before meal and doing exercise once a week.. Is there any other I need to take care about? Please help. Although I have a diabetes for 20 years, I barely have knowledge about it.. Thanks so much for help in advance...