New User
Hi. My name is Laura. I was diagnosed Type 2 about 18 months ago. I was doing well, but then fell off for a bit. Was only doing Metformin, but wasn't able to get my readings below 200, and were usually above. Doctor doubled metoformin and added Victoza. Well I don't feel that the metformin does that much, but the Victoza sure does it's job. Been on for only a week. My out of bed has been around 240, but has been steadily going down for the week. Today it was 107. Very pleased with it.
But with that said, I've also been really trying hard to cut my carbs and sugar. So whatever I'm doing is working. I need to get my walking/exercise increased. I know that this has to be long term, and a change of habits is needed. But I had popcorn at the movies last night which I consider on the naughty list, but still had a good reading. Doesn't mean I can do that all the time, but nice to know once in awhile I can have and not have my sugar go off the charts.