Hello from South Australia
Hi everyone, my name is Simone, I have been diabetic type 2 since I was 21, some 16 years ago, and realistically I think I havebeen in denial since then !
Anyway living a really busy stressful life, like most of us I am sure, 3 very young tearaway's that keep me on my toes, I have always had excellent control, recently its rocketed, morning reads have been 15 - 18 ! and with it has come its problems, I am my own worst enemy, I forget to check my BSL and go weeks without even thinking about it, I have to take responsibility for myself.....
I am trying to bring it down now, and need a disciplined response, tihs program I know will work for me, as I dont have the time to mess around with pieces of paper and remembering to fill this in and that in, having it all to hand on my phone is just perfect! Thanks guys for bringing this to us