Diabetic for 10 years... FINALLY getting my butt in gear...
As the title says, I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes about 10 years ago. I have been extremely lucky so far considering that I really did nothing to take care of my diabetes other than take my Metformin.
But I am 43 in February and I have a wife and 4 kids to think about. I'm also experiencing numbness in my feet (almost completely in my toes) and some symptoms associated with "mens health".
Honestly I have had several meters but rarely tested. As an avid iPod user I was thrilled to find this app and it has inspired me to begin testing. I have only done it for three days, but for three days I have tested morning and night *and* set my GB to remind me (and to remind me to take my medicine). Although my counts are still high (243-360) I am beginning to see trigger foods and I am REALLY taking it seriously now.
I was just telling my wife the other day that I needed to make an App for the iPod that does exactly what Glucose Buddy already does. Thank you so much for having it here... and for making it free. I truly believe that you are saving lives with this software.