I also agree that it is long hours and hard work to perfect this app and to make it the very good app that it is today, except that i would like A1C catagory put in to my information on the mobile app, hahahah, However its not that there is advertisement now in the app, its the way it was put there without any notice as to the fact that it might be put there and given the opportunity to tell the developer that we would love an opt out payment . I already pay for the preimum blood pressure and weight, and would even pay more for getting rid of the ad's especially if it would help the developer also. I want this app to continue to grow and be even better in the future and i will pay for that privledge, however something as important as advertisements would be very nice to have fore warning about. Thats just me...
.....And as far as ignore the ad's....I have accidently hit it twice now, with my finger holding the bottom of the phone, and have opened the browser and it causes quite a delay and frustraition. So that is my answer to those who say just ignore it.