Hello From Texas
Well, Type 2 diabetes is family trait. 4 of my aunts and uncles on my dad's side have it, my grandfather had it as did his mother and I believe some of their siblings also had "the sugar diabetes". lol I have not yet been diagnosed but I believe a 'Pre Diabetes' diagnosis is in my near future. I'm not afraid of it, I'm obviously familiar with it, but still.. bleh. For the last year and a half I've been following the Paleo diet. I have psoriasis, IBS and I'm gluten sensitive. When I went paleo, those issues, along with countless other 'minor' issues completely went away. I've honestly had never felt better in my life. I tried being vegetarian for YEARS and always felt sicker and weaker. Not saying AT ALL that vegetarianism is bad or that Paleo is good for everyone but it's good for me. I'm 50, female and it seems like an alarm went off the day I turned 50. haven't been to a regular dr (other than gyno) in almost 15 years and have no clue what my overall health is like. But that's about to change. Anyway.. Over the last 4 or 5 months I slid a bit in my diet. Eating more sugar, cheese and treats, less variety of vegetables etc. I've noticed some things during that time, headaches (which I've RARELY ever gotten); dizziness; nausea with some foods, lethargy, weight gain around my middle. After an episode of extreme dizziness and almost fainting at work (after no breakfast, stressful night/morning, dehydration and a big sugary chai latte) my sister suggested I buy a glucose monitor and 'just see'. So I did. For the first 2 days I ate as I would normally..and when I say normally I mean my fairly strict paleo diet that I vowed to get back on. Everything was fine, numbers couldn't have been more textbook. No reading over 114 or lower than 84. The 3rd day I woke up to good BG reading and then ate a bowl of white rice. I had to look up how to cook it because it's been so long since I've had rice! HA! My blood sugar spiked to 156. So my thought is that my paleo diet may be keeping an underlying blood sugar issue at bay. And that's great news! But I still need to get to the dr and do a whole blood workup to see exactly where I am and what else may be going on. Thank you ACA for giving this independent contractor access to good, affordable health care. Downloaded the GB app today to help keep track of things. Keeping a log is time consuming. This will definitely help. So now that you know more about my situation than you ever wanted to know.. HI! |