I am yet another statistic. I am a 42 year old over weight female that was just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last week. I had borderline gestational diabetes with my son (born 1994) who weighed 11 pounds. I had the worst medical care the Army could provide and had no idea those were risk factors for developing full blown diabetes. I have no idea how long I have had it tbh. I went in to the dr for what I suspected was a bladder infection and found out I had outrageous sugar in my urine (500). They did the finger stick (181) and AC1 (8) confirming the horrific diagnosis. They said I've probably had it for some time with such a high AC1... I am feeling very overwhelmed and pretty hopeless right now. The more I read on the internet the more confused I get and the more contradictory the messages are. I have no idea what is right and what isnt. I was put on metformin, told to do 60 minutes of exercise 5x/week and eat the South Beach diet avoiding anything white at all cost til I get this under control. No other instructions or advice. A battery of tests later my lipid and metabolic panels show my liver is not doing what its supposed to and another trip to the vampires to draw 7 additional tubes of blood and test for everything under the sun, those were all normal.
I was not scheduled to get a meter (pharmacy consult) for another 10 days but a friend directed me where to get a certificate for a free one (because of course my insurance covers NOTHING, dont even get me started on the cost of these test strips omg!) so I basically begged the dr to write the script for me. She told me my target was to have a reading of less than 120 when I wake up. I dont really understand my readings but I know they are NOT good and seem to be all over the place even though I have been exercising and very strict with what I have been eating (probably the wrong things) since I found out. Salads, lean meat/fish, yogurt, granola etc. My husband is not supportive and is absolutely disgusted with me. He looks at me like I am white trash because I have done this to myself and nothing is going to tell him otherwise. He's under the same misconception as so many others that this disease is self inflicted by gluttony and basically told me so when I asked him just to support me. He told me "how can I support that?" I am going through so many emotions right now. Grief, disbelief, disgust, hopelessness. The internet is so full of doom and gloom that I feel like I have been given a death sentence. Thanks for allowing me to vent. |