Diabetic Dog
I got this app to help track my dog's glucose levels. He was just diagnosed yesterday with diabetes. I started to notice that he was drinking a lot more water. At first I just thought this was from the summer weather. But then the uncontrollable urination started this weekend. I am in the medical field and have a glucometer that I keep in my EMT bag. I checked his BGL and it was 475. Dogs range about the same as humans - maybe a little higher. I immediately took him to the vet and we are now starting the process of regulating him with insulin. He is on 5 units of NPH twice a day. Today his BGL is ranging from 260-295 - still too high but we are getting there.
My dog - or puppy or Max - is my baby. I rescued him from a horrible person. I watched her throw him out of her car on a busy highway. I took him in with the intention of finding him a home. That was 10 years ago. We have a very special bond that is evident to anyone who meets us. I'm committed to helping him with this disease. And heartbroken that he is going through this. If you have a diabetic pet, I would love to hear about it. I feel fortunate that I can financially afford to take care of my baby. I am sure there are plenty of folks who just can't and therefore have to make a very difficult decision about a member of their family. I would love to hear about any tips and experiences you may have. I'm going to try to keep a blog of how puppy is progressing as well. |