I am 5.5 months pregnant and found out at 3 months that I had gestational diabetes again. Last pregnancy I had twins and found out at 30 weeks that I had it - started on the diet and after a week they put me on insulin as it couldn't be controlled with diet alone.
This time around I have been doing so so on the diet (haven't gained any weight since being on it
) but ..... readings are steadily going up. My reading last night was 8.6 after dinner. One day 5 hours after eating and before dinner it was 7.4. arghhhh
- I know I am not exercising enough but with a toddler and carrying a baby I am exhausted - doesn't help that I also have underactive thyroid and a sleep disorder which means I am having micro wakes every minute.
Can anyone advise me if I have had a high reading should I avoid having any snacks until the next meal to try to bring the levels down????
Also does drinking water help to bring it down????:?