Hi, I'm 37 and have type 1 maybe?? I first had gestattional dibetes with child 1, then child 2 and was told it would reoccur when I was about 40 as it is in my family. I was 30 when I noticed symptons i had experienced before. Inially my GP told me I was type 2, the consultant 4 years later says type 1, the specialist nurse thinks I fall between the gaps at type 1.5!
I started on metformin, then added glicazide, then went over to insulin about three years ago. I used to be a gym bunny and went 3 or 4 times a week but have stacked on so much weight and other life pressures have meant i have had to give up the gym which hasn't helped me
I have periods where sugar levels are good then it all goes mad again