Is it possible to eat too few carbs?
For the last 6 weeks I have cut my carbs right down to my minimal requirements (I am pregnant so cutting them entirely is not an option). My readings have gone down about 16% to an average of around 118 most days.
I have had almost constant headaches since doing so. The last 2 days I have been sick, nauseous and basically needed a lot more carbs to keep from throwing up constantly. It is the first time in weeks I have not had a terrible headache. My numbers at the 1.5 hour mark were quite high, around 180! but by 3 hours were lower than some of my fasting numbers (when things are off I tend to test much mro frequently to keep an eye on exactly what is going on so I know these test lengths are strange but they were part of a larger package).
I am eating more healthily than I ever have in my life- tons of vegetables, no white flour/sugar/potatoes/etc. Very minimal anything with a high GI number, a decent amount of white chicken, some lean beef, eggs and a fair ammount of dairy.
Is it possible that I am not eating enough carbs and that is causing the headaches? I know it sounds strange, but between the headaches going away, and the numbers coming down so much lower than normal, I just wonder if there might be something to it!