Non-Diagnosed New User
Hello everybody!
I LOVE THIS APP and WEBSITE! I have a history of Diabetes in my family. My grandmother and 10 of her 12 kids have Type 2 Diabetes. My mother is insulin dependent. Over Christmas 2013 I had been feeling run down. On a whim I had my mom test my BG and to my surprise it was 317!! I just turned 39 yrs old. And so my journey has begun. My first instinct was to monitor myself regularly and start a clean diet and exercise program. My average BG when I started was in the 200's. Since Ive started taking care of myself I have brought my average down to 138 as of today. My 7 day average is now at 120. Strictly diet and meds. I have not chosen to go to the doctor yet. I really believe that with great focus and hard work I can beat or at least delay a diagnosis. I must say, this app has really come in handy and has kept me motivated. As I see my average come down it only makes me work harder. I love the way I eat now and am losing the weight I need to. I know this has to be a life long change!!! Hoping for more success.