For the first time since I started this blog, I'm taking a Friday off. I figure travelling to Boston for the Penny Arcade Expo is a worthy excuse. I contemplated ranting about the announcement about Nintendo's 3DSi or finding some other story that I felt slipped through the cracks, but at this point I don't think it's worth it. If it's any consolation, I'm planning to record, edit, and post a podcast each day after everyone from the Talking About Games staff and any other people we can wrangle on sit around a table and crack jokes at each other. As far as chronicling my fun in Boston, I'm still not sure how I'm going to attack that one. I've thought about a running diary, I've thought about quick summaries of each panel I see and each game I can get my hands on. Or just a few summary posts after I let it all sink in. Regardless, you can rest easy knowing that I didn't take this "day off" lightly. I've established a level of consistency on this blog (and on Talking About Games) that I want to live up to. Like I said, I think this is a worthy excuse.