Feature Request:
I would find it helpful to be able to sort your logs before you export them to excel. Eg. just export events, values, and dates. Or possible to be able to sort by event and then export to excel?? Thanks!!!
Feature Request
Guys, I am fairly new to Glucose Buddy and I am trying to make use of it to track what is driving my numbers Good or bad. Is there a way to add "Sleep" as a trackable activity? I have been told by every doctor I have spoken with that stress is a huge factor in how our bodies react to diabetes. Maybe "Stress Level" and "Sleep" could be placed out there like "Activities" for exercise an tracked on a graph. For those of us in High Stress Jobs, this would be helpful.
Just a Thought :-D Thanks, Charles |
Yes I would like to sort the log by which ever category I want (date, bg level, food, excercise) IS that possible?
Editting Errors in Calorie Track
In the Calorie Track add on, I am not sure if it is not capable or if I have just not found how to fix errors, but it appears to me once you add a custom food or activity there is no way to delete or edit the error. Would be very nice to be able to