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Old 11-18-2010, 10:52 PM
sostotinona sostotinona is offline
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Unhappy Depression!!

Anybody dealing with depression? I feel like the
Wheight of the world is on my shoulders... Can't seem to shake the feeling... I cry all the time, if I stay home, if I go out, when I'm on my way home! I feel like a wreck! My son has had type 1 since april of this year... And we have a new baby who's 3 months old... Any ideas of what might help? Have you ever felt like this?
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Old 11-19-2010, 12:42 AM
dano dano is offline
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Welcome to the Forum!

I think that many of us, that have children with diabetes, have felt this way to some extent. It seems to effect some more than others. It is imperative that we are strong for our children, as our strength gives them strength. Is there a diabetes support group in your area? Sometimes just talking with people that are going through the same trials and tribulations helps. Sometimes it just helps to vent.

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Old 11-19-2010, 03:12 PM
dano dano is offline
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Default More Information

Here is a pretty good website for depression information. I am sure that you know that you can find a lot more information by doing a google search. The best statement that stood out to me from the link was "Recognizing depression is the first step in treating it." I hope that the information helps in some way. I wish all the best for you and your son!

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Old 11-19-2010, 08:40 PM
leeard leeard is offline
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Originally Posted by sostotinona View Post
Anybody dealing with depression? I feel like the
Wheight of the world is on my shoulders... Can't seem to shake the feeling... I cry all the time, if I stay home, if I go out, when I'm on my way home! I feel like a wreck! My son has had type 1 since april of this year... And we have a new baby who's 3 months old... Any ideas of what might help? Have you ever felt like this?
See a Dr. dont rely on the diagnosis of an internet forum or website. Depression is an illness and should be treated by a Dr. just like any other illness, its not a matter of just being sad or needing to "get over it"

You might need medication to help correct whatevers off kilter in your brain an thats nothing to be ashamed of, its no different than needing to take insulin to correct whats off kilter in your pancreas if your a diabetic.

Few things I do are deep breathing exercises take a deep breath, as deep as you can and then slowly exhale while counting 5 seconds out to yourself. I do this for about 2-3 minutes when I'm feeling anxious or down and it really calms me down.

Get some exercise, get out in the sun and walk for 10 minutes or so a few times a day if possible. Putting on my headphones and just taking a walk on a sunny day does me a WORLD of good.
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Old 11-27-2010, 11:39 PM
mazie mazie is offline
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My girl went to pieces lost 2 stone and went to Dr's for help didn't help much ,but educating herself on condition and talking about issues was her best treatment she is now back to being the best mother in the world and our daughter is just as normal as any other little girl but has type1 which is well managed by her mum and dad who are happy and enjoying watching her grow up. Just go to Dr's , talk to friends/family/people in same position , have a cry I feel great after it, I must admit I got a bit of OCD for a while alarms going of on my phone for testing, getting up in night,counting carbs to the gram,reading till the early hours about condition it effects us all differently. I did speak to a pro on issue of my mind condition and my concerns , worries it helped was pointed there by daughters diabetes Dr, good luck the chin will lift it has too!! Your child will lift you anyhow all the best Joe B
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Old 02-01-2011, 05:13 AM
javahottie javahottie is offline
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Just wondering how you are doing? I have a history of depression (post-partum) and when my middle daughter was diagnosed 2 years ago at age 10 I felt like I was experiencing the same symptoms. It is very overwhelming to have a 3 month old baby, let alone deal with all the extra issues that come with caring for a child with diabetes. Please take care and don't be hard on yourself. Perhaps you'll only need someone to talk to or if you do need a prescription for anti-depressants you might only need them short-term until you are in a better situation (baby a bit older or more experience with diabetes)
Wishing you all the best, things will definitely get better
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Old 07-13-2012, 07:43 AM
LadyHarrod LadyHarrod is offline
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So sorry u r feeling so low I have been there and while it's easy for me to say it will get better that doesn't help u feel better now. My oldest is 4 and type one I have a 2 year old and a 2 month old and I fear they may get it as well, I would love to chat and help u if I can feel free to email me at
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